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Louis kicked back on his mother's couch, and put his feet on the coffee table. "So, how are you feeling?" She asked, bringing in two cups of tea, one for each of them. Louis looked at his mum and gave her a nervous smile. He twirled the ring around in his fingers before pushing it back into the box. 

"I'm so... I don't know. I wish I wasn't nervous, I know what he's going to say. It isn't some big mystery, I just... I wish that I- I don't even know what to say mum." Johanna gave Louis a pat on the leg, and shrugged. 

"You just have to speak from the heart. Be romantic, probably don't mention anything about you-know-who, and um... don't mention the house yet. I think it'll be best if- now listen Lou, you don't have to do it in just this way, but picture this: You propose, he says yes, you have a lovely romantic time, and then you take him to the house you bought. Carry him through the thresh hold, he'll love it." Louis nodded, and jumped up from the couch. 

"Okay. Then that's what I'm going to do! I'm going to do that. I love that so much mum, it's wonderful. I just have to go get him up." Without allowing his mum to say another word, Louis ran up the stairs to the shared room he had with Harry. "Haz, Hazza!" Louis called out, realizing that he sounded far too excited and conspicuous. "Er, I mean, hey boyfriend, what's up?" Louis corrected, expecting to elicit a giggle out of Harry. 

"Hey..." Harry mumbled, wheeling himself closer to Louis. Louis knelt down closer to Harry and placed a hand on his knee. 

"You okay boo?" He asked, his demeanor changing from elated to nervous in a matter of seconds. 

"Uh... Derrick called here... he said he wants to like... see me? It barely even sounded like him and- I don't know what to think... I mean, he wants to apologize and stuff Louis, I guess maybe I should let him? I don't know, I mean like, I just don't owe him anything... I know that, I know I don't. But I really just feel like it might be nice if I could go and get some closure. You know?" Louis looked at Harry with a calm expression, yet internally he was screaming. 

This was supposed to be his proposal day, the wonderful and perfect day that they would remember for the rest of their lives. Well. Maybe that will just have to wait. "Do you want me to come with ya?" He asked, rubbing his hand gently on Harry's thigh. Harry nodded and smiled at his boyfriend, running a hand through his hair. 

"Yes please. Can we go soon? I want to be pumping medicine when I go to see him, make him feel really, really, bad." Louis nodded and stood up off the floor. "Cool, I'm here to take my medicine, and you're here to drive me, right?" Louis nodded once more and rubbed Harry's shoulder as well. 

"Alright, let's get going then. Do you want to change at all before we go?" Louis asked, hoping for maybe a better proposal outfit. Harry gave him a look, as if he was crazy. 

"Dude. Visiting my rapist in prison does not require me dressing up. What's wrong with you?" Harry asked, getting a little snippy. 

"I'm sorry, we had a date today. Unless you forgot about that?" Louis sassed back, putting his hands on his hips. He was getting into even a more dominant stance, ready to take charge, when Harry shrunk back a little. 

"Yes daddy, sorry..." He mumbled, giving Louis his classic big doe eyes, popping his dimples out with a frown. 

"That's a good lad. You know I don't love it when you sass me, cheeky little boy." Louis replied, poking his finger into one of the dimples. "Now give me a kiss, get changed, and let's head out, alright prince?" Harry perked up, and blushed a little, kissing Louis before wheeling himself to the closet to get changed. 

Ten minutes later, Harry rolled into the front area, dressed in blue flared jeans, his beautiful gold Chelsea boots, and a semi-see through black blouse, showing off some of the new tattoos he and Louis had gotten with each other. On his fingers he had a couple rings Louis had gotten him, much like promise rings. "Yeah?" Louis asked, looking Harry up and down hungrily. 

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now