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Hazza: Wish me luck BooBear... I just heard the front door close. Ready to tape...

Boobear: I believe in you. Good luck. ❤️❤️

Harry quickly hid his phone in the spot he had tested before. The door was unlocked, and he was ready for what was going to come. Sure he felt like puking, but he was ready for it to happen, so he could get it over with. If he could get enough video proof then maybe he could tell on Derek and put him in jail forever. He doesn't want to tell anyone until he's absolutely sure that Derek will be shut away to never get out. Sure enough, the door swung open, and Harry sat up on his bed. "You're failing math. How could you be failing a class?" Harry bit his lip, he didn't think Derek would ever find out about that.

"I-I think I might be dyslexic... the numbers jump around... please don't be mad..." Harry pleaded, before getting whacked across the face, Derek not holding back on his hit at all. Harry started to cry, because he knew this would permanently be recorded. Not only on the phone, but in his mind. This is something that he can't forget. Derek threw him onto his stomach, and smacked him again, this time on his back. Physical abuse was nothing new to Harry, but usually Derek preferred to stay around his bottom, which Harry hated with all of his heart, but it healed. This doesn't seem like it'll heal too quickly. Derek picked up a thin cane (he must have brought it in with him), and tore Harry's shirt off. His bottoms came off, and Harry just covered his head.

Derek whacked Harry time and time again, leaving small welts with every stroke of the cane. All the way down his hands and arms, through his neck and back, down his legs and feet, absolutely destroying the back of his body. "Flip over boy." Derek commanded. Harry trembled, praying desperately that he wouldn't do the same to his front. He slowly turned himself so he was facing up, making sure he was within the view of the camera. He hated to do it, and this was certainly not the first time he wanted his boyfriend to see him nude, which is why he would keep the videos, but likely not do much with them.

Derek pushed Harry's hands away from his face, and gave him several strokes with the cane, working his way down his body. Harry was left writhing, trying to get away from the painful welting, to no avail. "If I find out you're making your parents look bad again, you're through. I don't care about this whole 'dyslexia' thing you claim to have, but you'd better get over it quickly. Oh, and that boy that you keep going out with? I don't like him. And you're going to start getting punished for seeing him, if you can keep handling it. You're such a pussy though, I can't see it happening."

Harry cried harder and shook much more. Derek threw the cane down, and left the room. Harry knew it was over then, and crawled across the floor. Blood poured out of his knuckles, he saw it happen as he reached up to grab the phone. He made the camera front-facing, and tried to choke down some tears. "I-it's th-the 24th of-f February... D-Derek Fox h-has just done wh-what you saw..." Harry shows his arms, bleeding hands, and whatever he was able to show. "I-I hope this will be some of enough to put him away. He's th-threatened to kill me an-and my m-mummy..." Harry ended the video, and saw three texts from Louis.

Boobear: You're so brave facing this, so so brave love.

Boobear: I hope you still want to go to the zoo tomorrow, when you told me about it I just know your sweet green eyes lit up, and I want you to have more of that my prince.

Boobear: if you want I can come pick you and your mum up... ya know, I bet your mum would like my mum, we could have a total night...

Harry made a weak smile, and sniffled, wiping his nose. He hid his phone away, and called out for his mum quietly. Anne walked in, and immediately dropped to the ground next to her son. "What happened baby?" She asked, sliding him into her comforting lap. He cuddled into her side, and pulled out his phone. He unlocked it, and showed her the texts from Louis. She read them quietly, shushing Harry all the while. She handed him the phone back, and nodded. "Tell me what you want to wear, and tell me what you want to have with you. Let him know the address but be very clear that he isn't to knock. Just have him text you. And we can get ready, and we can go. Everything will be okay, yeah?" Harry nodded sadly, and started to reply to Louis.

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now