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Louis peeked outside of his room, before nodding back to Harry behind him. Both boys started to quietly sneak down the stairs, before Harry stopped. "I have to get a sleeve for my PICC line... sorry, just give me a mo..." Harry mumbled, racing back up the stairs. Louis made his way back down to the only soundproof room in the house, and got in, not caught. Neither boy was supposed to be out of bed right now, so they had to be quiet. Louis started to light candles around the room, and dimmed the lights just slightly. Harry slid in through the door, and gasped at all the candles. "It's beautiful, but um... we gotta talk first. Really talk." Louis nodded, and sat down, and Harry sat opposite of him.

"I um... I know you know that I've been violated quite a bit throughout these past couple of months. Cause... yeah. I mean, it's been okay but.. I guess- you remember when I saw that man's leather belt, and I kinda flipped out?" Louis nodded meaningfully, listening intently with all his heart. "Um... certain things are kind of um... triggers. For me. Like that kind of leather belt..." Harry gulped and twirled his hair in his fingers, "my old house... m-my own self, the um, the piercings and tattoos... I'm so afraid to undress in front of you, cause... the only other person who's seen me naked hated my body so much that-" Harry got choked up, and let out a couple of tears.

Louis brought his boyfriend into his arms and started running his hand up and down his back. "H-hated my body so much that he beat me and r-raped me and threatened to kill me! I want to have sex, like all of the stuff that everyone normal does." Louis nodded, and sat the both of them down on the couch.

"Let's talk about tonight sweetheart. No penetration, right?" Harry nodded and blushed a little. "Okay. What about fingering?" Harry shrugged, before shaking his head no. "That's just fine. May I eat you out?" Harry sat quietly for a moment, before looking up at Louis.

"I'd do that, I'd um... I'd let you do that, yeah... can I clean up a little first?" Louis nodded excitedly, and stole a kiss from Harry. "Oh! Hi, yes. Also... I mean, I'll give you a handjob or a blowie too, and um, we could like, we could both be totally naked for both? So it's kinda more comfortable for the one who's getting the stuffs?" Louis laughed a little, and nodded much more excitedly.

"Do you want to lie down a little for yours, or bend over?" Harry giggled, grabbing the supplies to clean himself up, and turned to Louis, sauntering over.

"Maybe we'll see where our foreplay takes us, hmm?" He purred seductively, before heading to the bathroom to clean everything up. Louis' heart rate increased, and he stood up and checked down his pants, making sure he was clean and presentable. He rushed over to the door and locked it, and slid off his slippers and socks quickly. Harry came out of the bathroom a couple minutes later, a big smile on his face. "Everything's put away... now. Let's put some music on, and play a little strip game..." Harry mustered the most confidence he could to spit out. Louis walked over to his phone, put on a romantic playlist, and placed his phone into the speaker system that he had in the den.

Rihanna flowed through the speakers, and Harry placed his slippers and socks next to Louis'. Louis caught on quickly, that this game was simply follow the leader. So Louis, with a little insecurity himself, pulled his shirt off. Harry did the same, revealing a couple tattoos he had. Louis approached him a little, and ran a hand over a particularly intriguing tattoo. "A butterfly?" Harry nodded, and ran his own hand over it.

"Reminds me of the bright things in the world." Harry muttered, before being cut off by a deep, passionate kiss from Louis.

"Just- so you- know-" Louis gasped out in between making out, "I ate- a- whole- pineapple- earlier today- after- you said- you wanted to- do stuff-" Harry's eyebrows shot up, and he started to kiss at Louis even hungrier. This was the first time that he was having a sexual experience where he got to benefit, and he was consenting to it. Louis reached down to Harry's pants in the heat of the moment, and untied Harry's pajama string. Instead of being mad, Harry reached down and retaliated, allowing both pairs of the lad's pajama pants to fall to their ankles. Louis stepped out of his, his lips never leaving Harry's, while Harry flung his across the room with his ankle.

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now