Trial: Part 2

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Harry's POV

Today we have to show a video, and I have to read from my journal. I don't have to look Derek in the eye, but I do have to be in the same room as him. Last time that happened he put his hands on me. He put his hands, the hands that he hit me and punched me and did unspeakable things with, he put them on me! After having a panic attack, Louis had wrapped me in a blanket, I was cold again. Jay took some blood and sent it in for testing, so we'll have results in two weeks. Louis said he's very upset that I've been so sick, and he wanted something done about it. I agree, but I hate needles. Least it's over now.

Louis has to be by my side every second today, the judge thankfully approved it. Because I've lost weight so fast, and there's concern that I'm very ill, it's alright for me to have assistance walking and sitting up. So, Louis is sat next to me in the courtroom, holding my hand tightly, and keeping a hand behind my back to support me. The judge entered, we had to stand, and then take a seat back down. "Defense calls Harry Styles to the stand, with assistance of Louis Tomlinson." That's me. Louis helped me stand up, and I leaned on him as I walked. I swore to tell the truth, and was walked onto the stand. Louis stood behind me, and held an arm around my shoulders. I took his other hand, and watched as Mark stood up. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion.

"February 20th, can you please read to us what you wrote happened this day?" Mark asked, handing me the journal I've kept for so long.

"Y-yes sir...

February 20th, one of the worst days of my life. I suppose things have gotten better since I got a boyfriend, but at home not much has changed. Derek decided to give me a smacking today. It lasted so long, and it hurt terribly. I only wish that's where it ended. He raped me, he really raped me. It's not the first time, and I know it's not the last. I think that hurt worse- at least not worse than what happened next. He screamed that I didn't do a good enough job, and that screaming and crying was no longer to be tolerated. He punched my ribs and throat, and choked me until I could barely breathe. I can still hardly get ahold of my breath, it hurts so badly. With a final whack to my rear end with a cane, he sent me off to my room, promising to not give me dinner for the next five nights for my behavior."

I shakily closed my journal, and set it in front of me. A couple tissues were handed to me, and I wiped my eyes solemnly. I guess the video is what's next to come. "This is a taping of that day's events. I must warn you this video is graphic." And it started. I turned my face away, I already know this story. Myself, being drug in front of Derek, him lecturing me on how he hates the piercings and the tattoos. How I'm a terrible son. Then... I can't believe my bottom getting smacked is being shown to a group of people. It'll get worse after that too.

I closed my eyes even tighter, and squeezed Louis' hand, I can't imagine how he must be feeling. He has to be feeling awful, that next day we went on a little date, and I wouldn't tell him why I was so tired, or why I wouldn't talk. I guess you could call it selective mutism, but it just hurt too badly to talk. Hearing the sounds makes me want to never speak again, it'll only get worse from here. More videos, more journal readings, it's all too much to bear. After the final scream tore out of my throat, the video ended. "Mr. Styles, can you attest that everything that was in that video did in fact happen?" I nodded, and scooted further back in my chair. I haven't been physically abused in several weeks, but it still feels awful, like bile rising in my throat. Wait. No. That actually is bile. I jumped up, and tried to run to a trash can, but I couldn't make it, and fell to my knees, getting sick all over the stand.

Louis immediately knelt down next to me, and rubbed my back as I got sick. "Defense requests a fifteen minute recess your honor." Mark jumped in, as I got sick a third time. The judge granted us a thirty minute recess, and let Louis lead me out of the room. He took me immediately to the restroom, so I could get any more sick out. It was empty, thankfully, so Louis led me to the large stall, and stripped off his jacket. He lay it on the floor, and had me kneel on it. Gripping the sides of the toilet, I panted over and over again. Nothing else came up, and my stomach felt empty.

"S okay, s good... m fine Lou..." I mumbled, leaning back on his chest. "Just... just need some water, yeah? N once I rinse out my mouth, a kiss? Maybe? Please?" I sniffled, feeling my eyes fill with tears. I just want to feel loved right now, I don't want to go back into the courtroom, and have to answer to Derek's lawyer. I don't even see how he could argue against the video, it's a video! Clearly what happened, really did happen.

Louis scooped me up into his arms, grabbing his jacket and laying it over me. He carried me out of the bathroom, and to the little cafeteria inside the courthouse. To the counter he went, he leaned against it slightly. "Ice water, as big as you can make it? And this pack of mints, thank you." Louis said, shifting everything around with one arm.

"You're the kid from trial room 5... hey, it's on the house. Please. Anything else you kids want, it's on me, please." Louis looked me over, and rubbed the back of my thighs gently.

"What do you have that's high in fat?" I shook my head, and buried it Louis' chest.

"Don't wanna eat... don't feel well LouBear, no good. Don't want food." I whined, accepting the water from behind the counter, and sipping it gently. Louis nodded, and patted my stomach. I took a couple mints and put them in the water, sipping at it again. "Don't want to eat them." I insisted, feeling a lot like a whiny brat. 

Louis nodded to the cashier, and walked me over to a table, cuddling me close. "That's alright, you don't have to. I'll kiss ya anyways sugar bear." Louis assured me, kissing me a couple times gently. Best feeling I've had in a while. Next best would be to remove the cast I've had on my arm for months now, but that will only be another week. The deeper Louis kissed me, the more I was able to forget for a moment. I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully forget, but things will fade over time I'm sure. The fading is all I want right now, so I kiss Louis more. So everything fades.

"Louis, Harry, its time to go back inside. Break is over now babes, kay?" Jay came out to tell us, which was a disappointing moment. Make out time is over, we have to go back to court. Louis carried me back in, having me only carry my water. The stand was clean again, and it smelled strongly of lemon cleaning agent. Louis sat me in the seat, and sat me up. Mark took the water after I sipped a little more, and set it down, as we aren't allowed to have drinks on the stand.

"Mr. Styles, you've grown up in the 21st century, yes?" Tim asked, causing me to nod slowly. I sill don't feel well, and it feels risky to speak right now. Avoid where you can, yeah? "So would it be safe to say that you know your way around technology pretty well?" I again nodded, and stroked Louis' hand with my thumb. "So you could take audio and lay it over another video? Take clips of video and string them together with other things? Maybe Derek does spank you, but this severity is simply photoshopped in, and him standing behind you suddenly becomes rape?" I shot up, and shook my head.

"No! Th-there's a kit! Jay did a kit! Jay did a kit!" I yelled, the judge having to bang his gavel several times to get me to sit down. "And you can test and see if there was photoshop done! Test it! Test all the videos! I'm not a liar! If I wouldn't have told anyone he'd be a murderer too!" Louis gently tried to wrangle me back to the seat, but now I was mad. Court officers were walking towards me, and I don't know. Something snapped. I started crying, and sat down in my seat like I'm supposed to.

"We request mental examination of the child, your honor." Tim said, after everything settled down for a moment. I could feel all eyes on me, trailing all over my body. I feel naked, exposed. They saw everything today, everyone saw everything. The whole world knows my body.

"The child will be taken in for examination today, court ordered. Court is adjourned for today, jury will disregard Mr. Styles' outburst. Court officers, please escort Mr. Styles to Doctor Payne, room 12 on the third floor. Mr. Tomlinson may wait outside but not be escorted in." The judge ordered, and sooner than I wanted, two officers were by my side. I was drug up, and hauled into the elevator.

Game over.

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