Trial: Part 3

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Psychological Evaluation. To many people this is a negative connotation, but as Harry would soon come to find, it wasn't bad at all. Harry was hauled into the psychological department, and into the room of Doctor Liam Payne. "The judge ordered that this young man have a psychological evaluation. Take all the time you need doctor." One of the officers said, before tossing Harry into the room and leaving.

Harry, still a crying mess, stumbled into the office, shivering and shaking, Louis' coat had been taken from him, and he was left cold. "Wow, that was awfully rude of them. You seem freezing, let's come get you a blanket." Doctor Payne stepped over to Harry, putting support up for his side, and gently starting to lead him to a large closet. Harry whimpered and wriggled, unsure of how to react to the man. "It's okay, we're gonna be just fine. Here we are..." Liam opened the door, and there sat a shelf of different colored blankets. He nudged Harry gently towards them, and left his side while Harry scanned. He was unsure about strange men, and probably forever would be, but nonetheless he was cold, and without his boyfriend. So he chose blue, to match Louis' beautiful blue eyes, it was comforting to Harry.

Liam returned to Harry with a wheelchair, and offered it to him. Harry cautiously sat in it, and allowed Doctor Payne to wheel him over to a shorter table, perfect for Harry to sit at. The boy wrapped the blanket around himself, and still felt cold. "Hey, I think this is one of the electric ones. What would you say to me plugging it in for you?" Liam asked, voice gentle as he could for Harry, he could tell he was fragile, and wasn't sure how he would react to a man's voice- he wasn't exactly sure what he was evaluating for.

A knock came at the door, and the judge walked into the room. Liam just finished plugging in the blanket, and stood up to greet the judge. "We had an outburst of this one in court, and based on the video we saw, and the other 15 that are lined up as evidence, we just wanted to make sure he was okay." The judge whispered, causing Harry to turn a little, before looking away quickly. He didn't want to be around the judge, the judge was a scary person, he could put away Derek forever, or he could set Derek free as a bird. As the two older men spoke for a moment, Harry went to sneak out into the hallway where he knew Louis was. He darted out, and somehow neither man caught him going out the door.

"You can't possibly be done with your session, the judge just walked in." Louis said, accepting Harry into his lap anyways. Harry shrugged and cuddled into Louis, craving the comfort and warmth that his boyfriend provided. "Do they know you left?" He asked, trying to be a little bit responsible. Harry shook his head, and latched in like a koala bear. He had so little fat left on his bones that getting cold became easier and easier each day. "Still cold sweetie?" Louis asked, removing his jacket and tightening it around Harry. "There we are..." Louis mumbled, accepting his boyfriend's quiet demeanor at the moment.

Harry locked his ankles around Louis' back, trying to make certain that he wouldn't be taken away again. The judge walked out of the room, and Liam followed shortly after. "I'll need this one if you'll give him up?" He asked, placing a gentle hand on Harry's back, but no. Harry was having none of it, starting to throw a tantrum, clinging onto Louis a lot tighter than he had been. The crying started up, and Louis had a thought.

"If I wore soundproof earphones, could I sit with him? He just wants to sit with me, he's had a rough day, please sir." Liam nodded immediately, and removed his hand off Harry's back.

"You don't have to wear those, I just want to make sure Harry's open to communication." Louis stood up, and bounced his boyfriend gently to calm him down.

"Do you have any hot cocoa?" Louis asked, carrying Harry gently into the office. Liam nodded, and started to make some up with a hot plate in his office. Louis looked around for a second, and some pieces got put together for him. "Did you get a blue blanket because you miss me?" Harry nodded, and wrapped Louis' jacket tighter around him. Louis sat in the wheelchair, and wrapped the now toasty electric blanket around his boy. Harry curled more into a ball, and kept close to Louis, clinging less tightly now he knew he wasn't going to be taken away.

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