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Louis woke up with a jolt. Day nine was tomorrow, and trial has simply been rough. Every video Tim had an excuse for, every story had a strange alibi. The Special Victims Unit had been investigating and interrogating Harry, but nothing had turned over that was significant enough to use against Derek. Simply put, Mark was at the very least in a deadlocked tie with Tim, and it didn't seem to be getting any better. Harry being so sick, however, gave them a bit of an edge. Everyone feels sorry for a sick kid, especially one that's up against an alleged abuser.

But Louis didn't wake up for any of those reasons. He woke up because the little weight next to him was gone, and the bed only dipped from a single kitty. So Louis rolled out of bed, slid some slippers on, and started padding down the hallway. He checked in every room, every bathroom, going down each and every place he could think of. He reached his mum's office, the door closed tightly. He walked up, and saw that the door was illuminated underneath by a dim light. Smiling to himself, he opened up the office to find a sleepy Harry at the desk, Winnie perched on top of the pile of papers. "Scat you, either sit on my lap, or shoo. Go sleep with Louis, I have work to do."

"No no. You shouldn't be up this late love." Louis said, making his presence well-known in the office. Harry turned around slowly, and bit his lip at Louis. "What exactly are we doing up so late?" Louis asked, making his way over to Harry and taking a seat in front of him. Harry shrugged and swung his legs in the chair he always worked in.

"Don't know... wanted something normal to happen. Started a load of laundry too. Just couldn't... it's been too long with everything being abnormal. And um... I should be honest with you." Harry said, scooting his chair closer to Louis. Louis looked at him intently, ready to listen to whatever his boyfriend had to say, good or bad. "I'm worried about us. I live at your house without paying rent, as well as my mum. We aren't able to do much because you have maids. Mum still works outside the house, but your mum employs me. You can buy me anything that I want any time that I want, and you won't even give it a second thought. You have all the friends you could ever want. You're popular. Your dad is my lawyer as a favor in a case against my abuser and I? I can't buy you anything. We just got evicted from a three room house, that's barely even a house. I depend on you for everything, and you can't depend on me for anything. I feel useless. Helpless. If I lose you I lose not only everything but... but my everything. You're my only friend that I have, other than my mum and sister... I just, I know you've said you love me and such... but what could I possibly mean to you?"

Harry turned to write down the time he stopped working on the desk, and Winnie left the room. The air was terse, and both boys were quite quiet. "I... I heard this song earlier this week. It reminded me of you. Then another one, then another. So... I guess now is as good of time as any to show you a little bit of how much you mean to me. I'm not great with words, but um... these other songwriters are. Why don't I get you a pair of slippers, I want to take you to a wing of the house you haven't been to yet. Cause Harry Edward, I love you more than life itself, and if I can't prove it with words, then maybe this will help." Harry nodded hesitantly, before letting Louis help him up. "How did you get down here anyways? You've been having trouble walking, I didn't see your wheelchair anywhere around." Harry shrugged, and leaned on Louis.

"I kinda come out here every time I can't sleep. I just log the hours so your mum will know I do the work. I just don't want to wake you up, so I sneak out. Usually crawl..." Harry shrugged again, letting Louis slide socks on his feet. Louis nodded in peaceful understanding, and swung Harry on his back. He traipsed down the hallways of the large house, gathering his boyfriends thighs securely in his hands.

"Close your eyes." Louis instructed gently, before opening up the ballroom doors. He flicked on the lights, and set Harry down. "Open them." Instructed Louis, holding Harry up. Harry slowly opened his big doe eyes, and blinked at the light. "Now here, lean against the wall and I'll go put on the first song. Kay?" Harry nodded, taking the wall in his hand, and letting Louis walk off. Music came through the speakers, and Harry smiled.

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now