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Harry stood in front of the court doctor, Jay standing behind him. Because Mark wanted to use Harry's having AIDs as fuel to the case, he had to get his charts looked over by another doctor. Of course, you can't mess up those tests, and it's hard to fudge the results, but the judge wanted to make extra sure before allowing the information to be brought in. "He's lost weight for the past couple of months. He's had a fever, sir, he's had all the symptoms. I've catalogued them for a while, here's the testing we used. We haven't medicated at all yet, we only found out two days ago. I want to introduce it into the case, we can win with this." The Doctor nodded, and allowed Harry to take a seat on his table.

"I can see it's all well-documented, feel free to introduce this. It's admissible. Also, I think you'll agree with me, a Protease Inhibitor is going to be the correct path for him to take. Harry, it'll stop the cells that are hurting your body from creating more cells, and this one we use when a patient is further along in the process, as you are." Jay nodded and started rubbing Harry's back. Harry stayed quiet, still getting used to the news. "And based on these medical charts, he should be taking Indinavir, boosting it with Ritonavir. There are quite a few side affects, take a look here, but that will be the most effective for him. I can also recommend putting him on Fuzeon, but that might be a lot to start him on."

Harry squirmed uncomfortably, and looked up at Jay. He hated having everyone talk about his body, and what medications he had to take. He hadn't been able to make decisions on his own for a while (excluding the adoption of many cats), and he wished he could be more involved now. Jay saw his bit of discomfort, and tried to get some more information for the lad. "Would it be better as oral pills, suppositories, infusions, should he have a PICC line?" She asked, drawing little circles on Harry's back.

"Honestly, a PICC line would be best here. Maybe a couple oral pills, but it'd be way better going straight to the bloodstream." Harry looked at the two adults, and his face fell a little. He at least knew he didn't have to have any suppositories, which seemed like a plus (though he didn't really know what they were), and infusions just seemed like a pain. But still, he wasn't sure about the other options.

"What's a pick line?" He asked, tugging on Jay's jacket a little, making sure she knew he was there. He was worried about being left behind in the adult's conversation. Harry wanted to be included in decisions about his body, he hadn't been allowed to for the last two years and he wanted to start.

Jay cleared her throats and got more level with Harry, not wanting to upset him with the information. "Sweetie, it's a little wire that would run from the inside of your bicep straight to your heart. It goes through your shoulder, barely even hurts at all. You just have to have it all covered up so it doesn't get infected." Harry scooted backwards and shook his head.

"I don't want that." He protested, holding both of his biceps protectively.

"Haz, you kind of have to. Otherwise you'd be having transfusions every week, twice a week, going to the hospital all the time, I know you don't want that sweetie." Jay tried, voice gentle and reasonable as she could muster.

"No. I don't want ANY of that." He said, much louder than the first time. His eyes became teary, and his bottom lip started to tremble.

"Baby I'm sorry, but you have to have some sort of treatment. I understand you don't like needles, but you'll get used to them! But you have to start having treatments. This is a deadly virus Harry, and I just... you have to get better." Johanna tried, taking Harry's hands in hers. Harry started to cry, and get very upset once again. This had already been a rough week, and it was only four days in. "Okay, okay, we can stop talking about this right now... shh, it's alright..." She scooped Harry into her arms, and held him closely. Harry just cried softly, his whole body trembling in fear. This was it. Either get a ton of medications pumped into his body, or die resisting.

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now