Chapter 29

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  I hadn't spoken to Micah the whole day and he was supposed to be joining us to the honky-tonk in the evening. I wasn't really all that mad at him anymore, especially after staying awake the whole night thinking about what he had said. But as much as I wanted to believe that Rush didn't have a reason to push me away, I knew what I had gotten myself into and I knew that in the end, I would blame myself and not him. Even though I had found out about his mother and her heart very recently. I hadn't been hiding it from him to begin with, the way his father, brother and Wes had done. In fact, what they had done would hurt him worse. They had known all along and kept quiet about it, while still being next to him. I hadn't spoken to him in four years and I had recently found out about it, so why would he get mad at me? Right?

"Get your cowboy – cowgirl on tonight, okay?" Rush pecked my cheek.

I hadn't contacted Micah the whole day because I had been helping out with the animals, then helped Levi with lunch and had spent my late afternoon cuddling with Rush on the couch, watching some horror movie that wasn't all that scary. When Wes had told us to get ready to go out since it was late already, Rush followed me to my room.

"Aren't you going to shower?" I asked him as he shut my door behind him, plonking his butt on my bed.

"Depends, do you like it when I'm dirty?" he asked flirtatiously, giving me his sexy half-smile.

"Rush, we don't have much time to play games," I told him, pulling out a white playsuit.

"What the hell is that?" he asked as I held it out, wondering whether I should wear it. It was a spaghetti strapped romper with a really deep V-neck which didn't leave much room for imagination. It was also backless and the shorts were really short. So in other words, it showed a lot of skin.

"A playsuit," I answered him, deciding that everything had a first time and since I hadn't ever worn it, this would be the first time.

"Babe, that will barely cover your ass," he told me, shaking his head. "Or your chest."

"I'll wear my brown jacket over it," I grinned. "And it'll match the brown cowboy boots I have."

"I don't want guys staring at you all night," he frowned.

"Guys will stare no matter what I'm wearing, you know that," I told him and sighed. I was so used to guys staring at me but I guess Rush would have an issue with it now since we were dating. "Plus, I think you'll like it better when I'm sitting on your lap." I winked and his face flushed pink.

He covered his mouth, coughing as if he had choked on his own spit.

"You had to go and put those images in my head," he stood up and shoved me against the wall, cupping my ass. "You said we don't have time to play games? Why don't you get your little ass in the shower and we can play there?"

I gaped at him. Was he serious? He wanted to get in the shower with me? My heart started beating wildly, my mind screaming yes.

He didn't even need confirmation. He gave me a little push toward the bathroom, tapping my ass as I went inside. Then he followed me in, shutting the door and locking it behind him before lifting his t-shirt over his head. He undid his jeans in three swift moves as I struggled to keep up with him. I slipped out of my tank top and yanked my shorts off. I was unhooking my bra when his hand slipped between my thighs, making me gasp.

"Rush," I gasped before his lips met mine and he slammed his tongue into my mouth.

I instantly melted into his arms and rubbed the silky fabric of my panties, the friction causing me to sigh against his mouth.

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