Chapter 4 : Contract

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Both Mr. and Mrs. Blades left for an emergency when their phones rang and only Alexander and I remained in the living room.

"Are you going to tell me?"

He checked his watch then began to walk towards the door. "I need to go."

"You're going to need to tell me sooner or later," I growled as he walked past me.

Alexander stopped walking and I stepped in front of him.

"Tell me. Why did everyone know about this and not tell me about it? They're my parents. Why didn't anyone say anything? I thought -." I stopped myself when I realized I was talking too much, something that I tend to do when I'm angry or frustrated.

I stared up into his eyes bitterly. "Why'd they tell you and not me? Is it because I'm the younger one of us two? Even if so, it's by five months. Five. I don't understand why everyone decided to keep me away and I don't like it. I've seen my own share of bloodshed and loss. I'm sick and tired being babied by everyone. I never was a weak little girl that needed protection away from the world and I'm certainly not that now."

"Later," he said softly and continued walking. This time, I didn't bother to stop him nor chase after him.

I made my way upstairs in fury. Any exhaustion I felt vanished as my veins boiled in anger.


While everyone was gone and I was alone, I explored more of the house and saw that there were three other guest bedrooms excluding mine, all far away from Alexander's room. I was about to claim one of them as my own when I saw that two of them weren't furnished and the other one had a bed but didn't have pillows or blankets so I sulked as I continued. The basement, something that Alexander hadn't mentioned, was designed almost exactly like the one at my house. Half was equipment and weights while the other was just open space with mats.

When I checked the time on my phone and realized that the stores must be open by now, I quickly grabbed my wallet and headed towards the garage. There were two cars. One was a dark navy blue SUV that looked like it could withstand raining bullets and the other was a sleek black sports car. Of course I took the sports car with a mischievous smile on face, not even feeling guilty.

I went and bought one of the best laptops they had since I didn't have time to have one custom made. The moment I got to Alexander's home, I headed straight for my temporary room. I began to reinforce the security in my new computer and download new programs.

As I waited for everything to finish on my new computer, I yawned from the lack of sleep. The heavy navy blue curtains blocked out all the natural light and I couldn't help but be lulled to sleep by the absence of light.


I looked around the darkness, seeing nothing but endless abyss.

"V-Vita." I heard my name being called by an unforgettable voice laced in pain. My body froze and I couldn't move.

"W-where are you?" I called out as loud as I could as I waved my arms out in front of me, trying to find something... anything.

"Did my life mean nothing to you?" Her voice continued to float around me.

Out of nowhere, I felt something grab my neck in a tight grasp, effectively cutting off my breathing. When I reached around me, I couldn't feel anything.

"Why'd you do it?"

"I-I d-didn't know," I wheezed out, my vision becoming hazier by the second.

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