Chapter 35: Sweet

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After I spoke with my parents, they seemed to want some more time together so I excused myself to leave. I couldn't actually make my way to my room, so I sat down on the bench in front of the room. An hour or two passed when I saw Mrs. Blades approaching.

"You alright, sweetheart?" She asked with a slight frown on her face.

I nodded.

"Are you still waiting?"

"No. I already spoke with them," I told her and understanding crossed her features. "Could you get me a wheelchair?"

Mrs. Blades gave me a soft smile. "Sure. I'll bring you to your room then talk to them."

She quickly got a wheelchair and took me to my room, then helped me onto my bed.

I quickly got lost in my thoughts, staring out into space.


I was soundly sleeping until I heard rustling in the room. Knowing it was Alexander getting ready for work, I ignored the noise and tried to fall back asleep, snuggling deep into the blankets.

I felt the blanket I pulled over my head get tugged down slightly and a kiss on my forehead. "Have a nice day," I grumbled.

"You too." Alexander sounded amused and I soon heard his footsteps become softer until the door opened then closed and I fell back asleep.

When I woke up again, it was almost noon time. I rolled around in bed lazily before slowly getting up and getting ready for my uneventful day.

I spent a week in the hospital already and then came home for the remaining three weeks of my prison sentence. Today was my second day home.

Efren Carter's case situation is currently quite stagnant. He has made no move to infiltrate any of the weapons facilities nor have we found his location. Since out of everyone, Cadence probably had the best idea of where he could be so she has currently joined the efforts to find him. We have agents keeping an eye on her at all times and so far, she has not acted suspiciously through her actions or computer use.

My father recently got moved out of the ICU to a regular hospital room with my mother.

As for Mr. Blades, he was not yet medically cleared to go back to work, so he is currently keeping me company in Alexander's home. In fact, both Mr. and Mrs. Blades were staying in one of Alexander's guest bedrooms. Their excuse was that staying together was much safer and that everyone, including my parents, felt more relaxed and comfortable if I wasn't alone in the house injured. What I think is that after the shenanigans I pulled when I was supposed to be in the hospital, Mr. Blades was probably babysitting me on Mrs. Blades' command.

Though, it does make staying home alone less lonely. Actually, I take it back. Mr. Blades doesn't talk much so he was more like a silent shadow in the house, but he does bring me food since I can't really move from my bed unless I need to use the bathroom.

Alexander told me that he was mostly doing paperwork these days, so he came home decently consistently.

I didn't have much to do except watch TV and pick some new hobbies. I guess now was a great time to get settled back into civilian lifestyle. Much of the time I spent in hospital I spent it thinking. Trying to process through everything that happened so quickly after I got back home.

Everything happened so fast that perhaps I wasn't emotionally and mentally able to keep up to the events around me. Alexander encouraged me to talk to one of the Phoenix psychologists and offered to sit in a session with me if I didn't want to go alone. Knowing it was a good idea after everything that happened, I told him I would make an appointment after I'm actively back on my feet.

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