Chapter 15 : Traitor

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The rear window shattered and I could hear the metal crunching as we collided. I let go of the steering wheel and all I could do was try to protect my head and face with my arms since everything happened in a blink of an eye. The impact was so quick that my back and head smacked against the seat then proceeded to get slammed against the steering wheel when the airbag didn't deploy.

Feeling a little dazed, I rummaged around my feet in search for my gun and when my fingers grazed against the cool metal, I wrapped my hand tightly around the grip. I knew I would get shot the moment I stepped out of this car, so I sat crouched in my seat and made myself as small as I could. Taking a deep breath, I held the gun close to me with my finger on the trigger, and focused on listening to any approaching footsteps. My life depended on seeing the enemy first.

Everything was silent. There was no sound of people moving, groaning in pain, or even a car moving. However, that only lasted a short moment. Soon, it started raining bullets as they flew from all different directions.

Chomping down on my curiosity to take a peek, I kept my head down to avoid getting hit, and simply waited. But, as fast as the firing had began, it quickly ceased and silence fell upon us once more.

Suddenly, I felt the driver's seat door open and a cold gust of wind blow in. I immediately whipped my head towards whoever it was, aimed my gun and I was about to fire, but abruptly ceased my action when familiar dark greys caught my attention. Realizing that it was Alexander, I closed my eyes and took a small moment to calm my nerves, but I could feel the pure fury radiating off of him. As I opened my eyes to face him, I came to regret it when I saw that his lips were pulled to a thin line and fire seemed to burn behind his dark greys.

He didn't say anything as he stared me down, so I did the same, staring straight back at him with no regret.

"Vita."  Alexander greeted through clenched teeth and looked as if he wanted to say more, but decided to stop after my name.

When he leaned towards me, I braced myself, but realized that he was simply clicking off my seat belt. Then, he scooped me out of my seat and up into his arms. No more words were exchanged between us as he carried me with one arm under my knees and the other around my shoulders.

"What the hell are you doing?" I growled as I tried to get off, but he only held me tighter.

It was moments after that I felt myself being put down and I realized that I was at the back of one of the military grade vehicles from headquarters. Mr. Blades was lain on the ground of the car with a man tending to him while Mrs. Blades sat down on one of the side benches in the vehicle.

"This will take you along with my parents back to headquarters for medical assistance. Two of the men that came with Victor will go with you to ensure your safety." Alexander's voice was gruff with displeasure.

"Son..." Mrs. Blades looked up at Alexander and I saw a glimpse of worry before her face became impassive.

"The rest of us will wait for a second vehicle."

I frowned at him. "I'll stay."


I couldn't help but flinch from the harsh edge in his voice since he's never spoken to me like that before. He must have seen my shock because his features softened just slightly.

"Go. I'll see you in a bit."

I glared at the ground, trying to think, when I felt a soft kiss at my temple. Knowing it was him, I didn't bother to look up.

"That was stupid Simmons, but you bought us time." I saw Victor's boots in my vision before I saw his face.

I looked up at him and saw him shake his head in disbelief. 

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