Chapter 24 : Gone

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Alexander's POV

I was sitting on the edge of my bed reading an article on my phone, waiting for Vita to come back home, when the door to my bedroom opened.

Vita stepped in sipping her drink through the straw and as she felt my eyes on her, she met my gaze.

"Want a sip?" Vita waved her drink at me with a small smile as she closed the door behind her.

I simply shook my head.

"You sure? It tastes really good."

I couldn't help a small smile that started to from on my face as her little quirk amused me. Suddenly, I realized something was wrong with Vita when stood unmoving from the door, staring off into space with the cup of chocolate forgotten in her hands. In a few moments, tears started to fall silently down her cheeks as her face remained impassive.

Immediately, I put my phone on my nightstand and walked towards her. In a few strides, I stood in front of her.

"Angel?" I called out gently as I cupped her face, wiping her tears away with my thumbs.

Her light blue eyes seemed to have focused back to reality when she looked upwards into my eyes. I couldn't help but frown slightly in worry at her silent state. I didn't say anything as I waited patiently for her to initiate the conversation. Whatever thought she was thinking, must have consumed her mind.

A small, broken smile formed on her face as tears continued to stream down her face. "I... I'm happy that they're still alive, Red." Her bottom lip quivered as her smile shattered and disappeared. "I really thought they were killed already."

I pulled her gently into my arms and engulphed her with my warmth, hoping that I could ease some of her heartache. Vita let out a deep breath as she tightly wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into the crook of my neck.

"We found the USB at least," she whispered against my neck softly. We stayed holding each other for while before Vita leaned back slightly and looked up towards me.

Suddenly, she took a step forwards, forcing me to take a step back. She continued until I felt my bed right behind me. Vita placed her drink on the nightstand right next to my phone and proceeded to cup my face, one hand feeling colder than the other against my cheeks.

"We're going to get them back, no matter what." Fierce resolve shone in her eyes and with voice sounded like it was reinforced with steel.

I gave her a small smile back as I placed my hands over hers and leaned forwards to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. "We will."

Silence fell upon the two of us while we stared into each other's eyes. In that moment, the world faded away until all I could see was her, right in front of me, she was all that mattered. Her light blue eyes drew me in and each moment, it became darker and darker. I couldn't tell who leaned in first, but before I knew it, our lips met gently at first, tentatively, both of us being careful. Then, all thoughts became scattered as passion fogged our minds and hazed our eyes. Her lips felt soft against mine as she molded her body tightly against mine. She put her arms around my neck and I slid my hands down her past her waist to her legs so that I could lift her. Vita quickly understood what I was trying to do and as soon as I lifted her, she wrapped her legs around my torso.

We were both breathless as we pulled apart from each other. I turned around so that I could place her sitting on the edge of the bed.

Vita loosened her legs from around my hips, but her arms remained around my shoulders and neck, keeping me close.

I let go of her legs to lightly slide them up to her hips. Keeping a hand on her hip, I pushed my other under the hem of her shirt to hold her waist, desperate to feel her skin against mine. I leaned down to lightly place my foreheads touching hers.

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