Chapter 26 : Betrayed

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I quickly hung up the phone so that Alexander wouldn't be able to catch the lie that slipped from my mouth, still having at least ten more minutes before I arrived to the set destination.

Our conversation was starting to shatter the carefully constructed mask I created to meet Efren once again and I couldn't let that happen.

Five minutes away from my destination, I parked my car into any empty space on the side of the road. Realizing that I still had the dog tag around my neck and the wedding band around my finger, I quickly removed them and stowed them away in the glove department of the car. As I looked at my empty left hand, I saw a faint imprint of the ring and I couldn't help but smile at the bittersweet memories as I felt a feeling of tightness at my throat.

Come on. For their safety.

With a deep breath and taking my burner phone with me, I stepped out of the car and into the brisk air. Even knowing that they would probably disarm me as soon I see them, I still safely tucked my handgun into the waistband of my jeans. The weapon pressed firmly against the middle of my back became my only sense of comfort.

I started jogging to the meeting point. Before I left, I checked up on where I was supposed to be meeting Efren and realized that it was an abandoned three-floor apartment complex sandwiched between other buildings so old that people have abandoned the area a long time ago. It has been taken by the gangs and made into somewhat their hideout. There were so many of them that the cops don't even tend to drive around this area and any criminal activity that tend to happen here, law authorities tend to turn a blind eye.

As soon as I got closer, I felt everyone staring at me as I approached the main entry to the abandoned apartment building. A man was sitting relaxed on a chair shirtless in front of the door I needed to get through. Scrawny with a sleeve of tattoos and a burning cigarette in his hands, he smirked at me and scanned my body from top to bottom. Since I was simply wearing a pair of jeans and a thick black hoodie, there wasn't really much for him to look at to make me feel vulnerable, but his disgusting smirk gave me the creeps and made my skin crawl. Keeping my face impassive, I stepped forward to walk past him but he quickly caught my left wrist.

"Girlie, do you- "He was croaking through his sentence when I cut him off icily.

"If you don't let my arm go, I will rip yours clean out of your sockets." I maintained eye contact with him until he was the one to turn away first.

He yanked his hand away from my wrist as if I had burned him and almost began blubbering.

Rolling my eyes, I walked in and headed straight for the stairs. Apparently, I was meeting Efren Carter in room 204. On my way, I had the urge to plug my nose. It smelled absolutely disgusting here. A mix of stale alcohol, smoke, and vomit.

Calculating where room 204 would be, I taped on my device right underneath when no one was looking. My only negotiation strategy since I didn't trust Efren with the safety of my parents.

Immediately as I got near the staircase, there was already someone on waiting there, standing stiffly. Compared to the only other man I've seen at this apartment building so far, he was much better dressed and a lot more hygienic. Without saying anything, he simply eyed me carefully as I made my way past him to walk up the narrow set of stairs. I paid him little attention as I walked up, but was aware enough that I would know if he made a move against me.

As soon as I was at the top the stairs, I attuned my senses to any movement, hyper aware of my surroundings as I approached the room 204. The moment I stood in front of the door, something felt off. It was absolutely too quiet. Lifting my hoodie slightly, I tugged out my gun and held it pointing forwards with my right hand as I opened the door with my left, ready to shoot if necessary.

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