Chapter 5 : Headquarters

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Thought the song fit Alexander and Vita's broken friendship in the past :)

Happy Reading!  :D


"You have fifteen minutes," Alexander said to me as he stood beside my bed, early in the morning.

Upon opening one eye and seeing that it was him, I pulled the covers over my head. "Knock before you enter," I grumbled.

I rolled away from him and closed my eyes, waiting to fall asleep again since I've roughly only slept for about three hours. "Always the evil early bird," I mumbled to myself, already half-asleep.


I immediately sat up, pulling the covers back down. "I can go with you today?"

He continued walking out and didn't bother to answer me. Knowing that he would actually leave me behind if I was late, I hurriedly washed my face, brushed my teeth, put on a pair of black slacks with boots and a white dress shirt. Looking over my things, I didn't know what to bring so I ran downstairs towards the kitchen.

Alexander had toasted a piece of bread and was buttering it when I ran up to him.

"Do I need to bring anything?" I asked as I stared at the piece of bread.

He didn't answer me so I swiped the toast from his grasp and saw him narrow his dark grey eyes just slightly at me.

I took a generous bite of his nicely buttered toast just to spite him. "You were ignoring me."

"I was thinking." He sighed as he grabbed the other piece and began to spread butter on that one.

"So? Do I?"


Shoving the toast in my mouth, I ran upstairs to grab my phone, wallet and laptop. I stared at my closet for a moment thinking if I should bring anything else. However, deciding not to, I ran back downstairs.

He wasn't in the kitchen anymore so I quickly made my way to the garage and saw him sitting in the black car I saw him in when I arrived at the airport.

Alexander looked down at his watch then back at me with and unimpressed look on his face.

'You're late.' His eyes said.

I sat down in the passenger seat, pulled on my seat belt and looked out the window quietly.

He drove out of his garage and we were ten minutes into the ride when I started to feel uncomfortable.

"Anything I should know about before we get there?"

"No one knows who founded the organization and we're going to keep it that way."

"Of course."

"You have to listen to me."

I rolled my eyes. "Only when you're being reasonable."

"Don't let your temper get the better of you."

I huffed. "Yeah, yeah."

Me? Temper? Never.


We drove to vast empty space and I couldn't believe what I saw.

A large building in the center with what seemed to be one way glass where people inside could see the everything outside but people on the outside could not see a thing inside. It looked like it had two floors and there was another building to the left, big, but not as huge as the center-most one, and that one also looked to have two floors. There also was a car drive through area in front of the slightly smaller one.

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