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I sat calmly in the dressing room as my mother kept wiping her tears with tissues, the tissue box seemed to be firmly attached to her as she fussed around me.

Five months have passed since Efren was arrested by us and two months since he was murdered inside prison, like I predicted. Powerful people that hired Efren to do their dirty work were unhappy about how all his information was seized by the government to process and ultimately, one of them hired someone to get rid of him for revenge. Thanks to the information that Cadence brought out with her on Efren's partnerships and dealings, there were many more people now in prison, including some officials that were high places.

My mother made a full recovery and decided to retire with my father. As for my father, he was going through therapy for his legs, though he mostly had been sitting in the wheelchair. His legs were still not strong enough. Mr. and Mrs. Blades have continued doing what they always did, though they have mentioned retiring soon as well seeing how my parents have already.

Phoenix is still currently keeping an eye on Cadence, though, it is just once in while and more for her and Nolan's safety reasons. Nolan had started school again and wore a much happier expression on his face compared to a few months ago. Since Cadence was already listed dead months ago, she decided to live under another identity since it was safer that way. Though our friendship will most likely never return to the way it was, the burned bridge had mended a lot over the past few months.

"My little girl is all grown up." My mother hiccups out as wipes her tears once more.

I smiled at her as she pulled out another tissue from the tissue box. "Mom, please calm down."

"You all owe me fifty bucks! I told you they would end up together, like ten years ago." Sandy, one of my friends from high school yelled as she looked around at everyone.

My very close friends from high school and university have gathered in my dressing room to see me before they make their way to their seats. Including Cadence.

Cadence's eyes met mine and she sent me a soft smile, one that I returned without hesitation.

"I can't believe you still remember that." Violet rolled her eyes.

"You look so pretty." My emotional friend Aria, from university, sniffled as her eyes teared up and my mother handed her a tissue.

"Are you nervous?" Violet grinned as she looked at me. "Cold feet? If you need to run away, I can totally help you disappear." She joked and I chuckled softly as I understood the reference she made to her job.

"I'm good."

We all chatted for a while until my mother made her way over towards me with my veil in her hands.

"That's our cue, see you in a few minutes." Sandy winked as she shooed everyone out.

I stood still as my mother placed the veil on my head and handed me the modest bouquet. My dress was on and my light make up was done. We kept the ceremony as simple as possible, with no bridesmaids or groomsmen, Alexander will be standing at the alter waiting for me while my father walks down the aisle with me. Family and friends will be sitting on the chairs already set up.

She looked at me and sniffled once again.

"Mom, please don't cry. If anyone saw you, they'd think you don't want to marry me off," I teased her as I patted away her tears with the back of my fingers.

"Of course, I want to marry you off. I'm trying to stop crying, but when did you grow up so fast?"

The door to my dressing room opened and I saw Mrs. Blades walk inside. She took a peek at me and her eyes teared up and I winced.

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