Chapter 12: 5.1.2 Sympathy for the Devil

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Regent Inn Motel

    After about twenty minutes of arguing the Hunters had finally managed to get Becky to leave. Except it wasn't Sam's or Dean's threats that made her leave but Cassandra's. She had flashed her deep blue angel eyes at her and let out a low growl, relieved that it was enough to send the girl running. Sam had started laughing the moment she left but one glare from Cassandra told him that she wasn't in the mood.

    "I need a Coke. Or a shot of tequila. Or both," she had grumbled, leaving the motel room armed with her angel blade. She made her way to the vending machines and studied her options, frowning when she found that they were out of everything except Ginger Ale. "What kind of crappy motel is this?" She let out a defeated huff and crossed her arms over her chest, glancing around. Her gaze landed on a woman at the end of the hall watching her, Cassandra's eyebrows furrowing. The woman's gaze lingered and she started to approach Cassandra but stopped, looking around and nodding. Cassandra watched the small brunette leave, mindlessly walking into another motel room.

    Startled by the action, Cassandra quickly raced back up to their own room to see Bobby slapping Dean on the back as he pulled him into a hug. "Good to see you boys all in one piece," Bobby said. Cassandra quietly shut the door behind her, her eyes following Bobby's movements towards Sam, the older Hunter pulling the grinning Winchester into a hug.

"You weren't followed, were you?" Cassandra questioned, alerting the Hunters of her presence. Bobby spun around to see the Nephilim, shocking her by pulling her into a hug. She looked to Dean with wide eyes before awkwardly returning the gesture. She was the first to pull away.

"You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan?" Bobby replied. Sam laughed, shaking his head.

"You heard." Bobby nodded with a grin.

"I heard, Romeo. So...sword of Michael, huh?" Cassandra nodded her head to the side, as did Dean.

"You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?" Dean asked. Cassandra sighed and eyed the book in Bobby's grasp before shifting her attention to the gun that still lay on the table. Cassandra cocked her head to the side and studied it.

"You better friggin' hope so." Bobby brought the book over to the table, Cassandra stepping out of the way so that he could open it. A painting took up one of the large pages. Michael was surrounded by other angels, a red sheet twisted around his body. Cassandra smirked at the painting and snickered. He looked like a woman. "That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got." Bobby looked to Cassandra. "And your dad."

"Not my dad, my father. There's a difference," she corrected defensively, watching as Sam flipped to another painting. Dean rolled his eyes upon seeing a similar feminine face.

"You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett," Dean said with a scoff. Bobby took at seat at the table, Sam next to him, and nodded his head to the side.

"Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me." Cassandra nodded in agreement.

"Gave me the worst beatdown of my life and I was all pumped up on angel juice," she muttered. Dean looked at her and nodded his head to the side, opening his mouth to retort back. Cassandra shot him a glare that told him to shut up, knowing where he'd take this. Bobby snickered at the couple before looking back to the lore.

"He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword." Bobby pointed to a silver sword in Michael's hand that pointed down towards Lucifer. Cassandra cocked her head to the side, studying it. It looked like just some other sword to her; nothing special. "So if we can find it..."

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