Chapter 17: 5.6.1 I Believe the Children are Our Future

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PSAT testing for me today. Loaded up on Chick-Fil-A and ready to fidget for four hours.

After the diner incident with Sam and Dean, Cassandra's three weeks were tension-filled and awkward. Dean barely uttered a word to her, only speaking to the Nephilim if he needed to ask for something or give her an order. They worked one case that involved a nest of vampires which meant Dean had to teach Cassandra to play FBI Agent. She had caught on quickly, much to his relief, and played her role effortlessly. The hunt was over in three days. Dean and Cassandra grew distant and by the time she had to meet Cas she and Sam were the only ones talking. Dean didn't speak a word to her in the last four days.

    Cassandra grunted as Cas landed a blow to her gut but she quickly regained her composure and stood up, swinging her leg around the angel and kicking the back of his knees. He lost balance and fell to the ground, giving Cassandra the chance to drive the kitchen knife through his chest. Castiel stared up at her proudly.

    "You no longer hesitate," he noted, pushing himself off of the ground and pulling the knife from his vessel. Cassandra nodded. "Your battles have become quicker. You're focused on the target and the target only. That's good."

    "Yeah, because there's no one else I have to worry about. What happens when Sam's with me and it's a life or death situation?" Cassandra replied, taking the blade back from the angel. Cas furrowed his eyebrows.

    "What about Dean?" There was a long pause before the blonde answered.

    "Dean can handle himself perfectly fine. He doesn't need my protection or help." Cas frowned slightly as she started to walk away, grabbing the water bottle that sat on the kitchen counter and taking a swig of it.

    "You know, Cassandra, we've been here for almost a week and you haven't mentioned Dean until now. I thought you two were...together." She shook her head and pulled the bottle from her lips, screwing the cap closed and setting it back down.

    "That was short lived. Very short lived." She clapped her hands together. "Alright. Again." Cas shook his head and walked over, pulling the knife from her grasp. She stared at him in disbelief as he slid it back in the drawer, closing it gently.

    "We've trained enough for the day."

    "What? No we haven't. It's only four!" Cas nodded.

    "Yes and we've been at it since midnight. I've taken enough beating for the day. Even angels need a break which is why I'm confused as to how you're not collapsing from exhaustion." Cassandra only shrugged. She didn't know the answer to that, either. She had expected to fall asleep around eight in the morning. Castiel sighed and retreated from the kitchen, swiping Dean's necklace from the counter as he left. "I'm gonna continue searching. You get some sleep."

    "But we're not done. We've only done regular combat. We haven't even touched my powers in days," Cassandra replied. Cas nodded and turned to look at the blonde who stared at him with wide eyes.

    "And we can do that when I get back. Eat something. Sleep. You're turning into a weapon."

    "Isn't that what I am?"

    "No, Cassandra, you're a Nephilim. You're human and you're an angel. You have feelings, needs, emotions. A weapon would be your angel blade. I understand you want to take down Lucifer and Michael but it doesn't have to be now. I expect to see you in this mansion, rested, when I get back." Castiel disappeared before she could even open her mouth to argue. She let out a defeated huff and glanced around the main room that they had been training in. Cassandra's phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her back pocket, staring down at it.

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