Chapter 21: Heaven on Earth

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Cassandra was thrown to a bright white floor, similar to the one in the training room up in Heaven. The Nephilim rolled across it a few times and was stopped by a wall, hitting her head and letting out a groan from the sharp pain. She went to push herself off of the ground when a force picked her up and threw her across the room. She was slammed into the wall but never fell, pinned there helplessly. Her eyes fluttered open and she desperately tried to escape but it was no use.

"Who are you?" Cassandra growled, her arms pinned beside her head. The archangel slowly approached her, their true faced masked by Amber's. Amber's lips curled into a smirk and the angel leaned forward, trailing a finger along the blonde's jaw. Cassandra turned her head to the side but it didn't do much to stop the archangel. He only grabbed her cheeks and forced her to look at him. "You're an archangel but I've never seen you before."

"You've seen me before, prophetess. You've just never seen my true face." Cassandra stared back at Amber in confusion. Surely she'd know if she saw an archangel by now, wouldn't she? "Amber Parks has never existed. She was just an illusion to your pathetic human self. It was easy to find you once you saw her face on the TV."

"I don't understand. That mansion is warded to all celestial beings, archangels included. How could you have found me?" The archangel that posed as Amber opened its mouth to reply when Cassandra suddenly dropped to the floor. Her head snapped up at the sound of a second pair of footsteps advancing towards her and her eyes widened at the sight of her father.

"You're dismissed, Raphael. And lose the meatsuit," Michael ordered. The archangel nodded and quickly retreated from the room. Michael watched him go before turning to the blonde on the floor, smirking at her. "Cassandra."

"Michael." She pushed herself off of the floor, wiping her hands on her leggings. Michael's frowned slightly.

"I'm your father. You don't have to address me by my name," he told her. Cassandra scoffed, shaking my head.

"Father is too proper; Dad, well, that title has to be earned; and Daddy is a little too kinky for my taste." Michael's lips curled into a scowl, earning a smug smirk from the Nephilim. "I think I'll stick with your name. Unless you prefer Douchebag, that is. I'll happily refer to you as that," she told him. Her gaze drifted to his hands which clenched into tight fists at his sides, letting her know just how much she got on his nerves. It was good. It meant she had some type of control on him.

"I really wish you would just comply."

"I really wish you would just let me return to my normal life. Looks like we don't get what we want. The Winchesters will be looking for me, y'know." Michael chuckled and nodded, lciking his lips. Cassandra arched an eyebrow at his reaction. He knew they'd tear up the Earth looking for her so why wasn't he worried?

"Someone's keeping them distracted. It'll be a couple of days before they can actually search for you." Cassandra's lips parted slightly but she tried not to let her worry show. It was just another weakness for Michael to pick at. "I've brought you here to try and convince you to reconsider your side of the war. I cannot force you to do anything as you've proven, but maybe I can show you what you may gain from joining Heaven," Michael explained. Cassandra glanced around the room and sighed. She was stuck in Heaven whether she liked it or not. She wouldn't be released until Michael wanted her to leave. He had made that mistake once. He wasn't going to make it again. Cassandra' gaze drifted back over to her father and she nodded.

"Alright, I'll bite." She crossed her arms over her chest. "What's this great gain I'll get?" Michael nodded his head towards the door as a gesture for his daughter to follow. Reluctantly, she obeyed, her steps echoing throughout the empty room. She glanced up at Michael warily as they took a right.

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