Chapter 19: "How do you handle a drunk woman?"

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Four weeks after "I Believe the Children are our Future"

    Cassandra Moore lay across the antique couch in the main room with her body sprawled out and her arm hanging off of the edge, the other clutching a bottle of whiskey to her chest as soft whimpers escaped past her busted lips. She flinched in her sleep but never awoke, muttering a few incoherent words every now and then. Her pale face was flushed a deep red and a light sweat coated her skin, soaking through her clothes. She turned over and nuzzled her face into the cushions of the couch, a bit of the whiskey sloshing out of the bottle.

    Castiel appeared in the room, ready to train, but stopped at the sight of the blonde. He squinted his eyes and cocked his head to the side, his lips parting slightly in confusion. He hadn't seen her asleep before. She always kept him out of her room which was warded from any and all angels besides herself. Cas stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder at the sound of her whimpers.

    "Cassandra," he said softly, shaking her shoulder. She shook her head and shrugged him off, pulling the whiskey closer to her chest. Cas eyed the bottle and reached over her, snatching the bottle from her grasp. Cas studied the label and frowned. She had never had alcohol before that he knew of. "Cassandra, wake up."

    "Go away," she muttered, her words muffled by the dusty cushions. Cas let out a sigh and shook his head before turning her over. She opened her eyes, lifting her arm to shield them from the bright light that snuck in through the parted window curtains.

    "Cassandra, are you drunk?"

    "No." Cas held up the bottle. There wasn't much left.

    "I'm calling Sam." She nodded and turned back over to sleep. He frowned down at her. Normally she objected to any contact with the Winchesters. "Cassandra, this isn't the time to drink. We need to train and take down Lucifer as soon as possible and we can't do that if you're drunk," Castiel scolded. Cassandra simply ignored him, her eyes clenched shut as she silently prayed that he would just shut up and leave. Defeated, Cas pulled out his phone and started to walk away, clicking on Sam's contact.



    "Cas, hey. What's up? Is everything alright?" Castiel glanced over his shoulder towards the wasted blonde, her figure limp on the couch.

    "Um, no, not exactly. How fast can you get to Lincoln, Nebraska? I might need your help with something."


    The Impala rolled to a stop in front of an old mansion on the outskirts of Lincoln, Nebraska. Dean shifted the car in park and leaned forward, staring up at the building through the windshield with raised eyebrows. "Sam, are you sure this is the address Cas gave you?" Sam glanced down at the paper and nodded.

    "Yeah, it is. I don't understand why they'd train here, though," he replied. Dean shrugged and got out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him. Sam quickly scrambled out and stared at his older brother in shock. "Wait. You're actually coming in?" Sam questioned with wide eyes. Dean turned and nodded to him as if it were obvious.

    "We don't know what we're walking into and I'm not sending you in there alone." Sam rolled his eyes.

    "Dean, it's Cassandra. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? She has a breakdown and Cas doesn't know how to comfort her? You act like she could be going full on pissed off archangel in there," Sam said. Dean shrugged and started up towards the door, glancing around to make sure that they weren't being followed.

    "I'm not taking any chances." Dean rapped his knuckles on the large wooden door five times before taking a step back, glancing over at Sam's uneasy expression. "Dude, chill. I'm sure everything is perfectly—" The door flung open and Cas breathed a sigh of relief.

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