Chapter 31: Heaven Help Us All

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One Week After "Broken Promises and Birthday Wishes"...

After Dean and Cassandra had woken up from their nap they had gotten ready for dinner. It all went smoothly, something they could rarely say. The food was great and the staff was good, but Cassandra was right when she said that it would burn a hole in her wallet. She lacked enough cash to pay for their meal so Dean used one of his scammed credit cards instead. They had both agreed to never go back as it reminded them of a peaceful life that they could never have.

Sam and Dean had gone to work a case in Sioux Falls concerning a Cupid, but Cassandra opted to go back to the mansion and get in some more training. In reality she was waiting for Michael to show up. He did just as planned.

"How was dinner with Dean?" he had asked as he watched his daughter throw punches to a dummy in the middle of the main room. He leaned against the wall behind it, only earning a brief glance from the sweaty blonde.

"It was fine," she grunted out between punches. Michael frowned slightly but nodded and licked his lips, glancing around the mansion before his gaze settled on his daughter. She looked up upon hearing his silence, furrowing her eyebrows. "Something on your mind? Thanks to Raphael I'm a therapist now so please, do confide." He chuckled slightly and shook his head. She continued to assault the dummy, spinning around and landing a kick to the side. It shook slightly.

"I'm just proud of you."

"I haven't done anything."

"When I first met you, Cassandra, you had no idea how to use your powers. You were nothing but skin and bone and you were broken. Look at how far you've come. Castiel and the Winchesters have done so much for you as a warrior. You are everything I've ever imagined," Michael explained. Cassandra stopped and pushed a stray lock of hair away from her face, wiping away the sweat on her forehead as she panted, struggling to catch her breath.

"I barely have any skill and experience. Like you said; I have a lot to learn in such little time. There's not much to be proud of," she reasoned with a shrug. Instead of continuing her physical training, Cassandra retreated to the kitchen counter where her ice cold water bottle rested. She flipped open the lid and brought it to her lips, taking a few sips before pulling it away. "So you came here to go over plans. Let's talk plans."

"We don't have much as of now. We're still trying to locate Lucifer," Michael admitted. Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows.

"Then why are you here?"

"Maybe you had ideas for once we found him." Michael stayed silent for a moment, watching her. She took another sip as she leaned back against the counter in thought. Cassandra knew that her father truly didn't want to kill Lucifer, but he wasn't about to disobey. Rebellion was the whole reason they were in this mess.

"Hey, Sam let Lucifer out. Where exactly was he?" Cassandra questioned. Michael, unsure of where this was going, replied warily:

"His Cage. Why?"

"Well, if there was a key to let him out then there has to be a key to lock him back in, right?"

"Are you suggesting we put him back in time out?" Michael inquired. Cassandra nodded her head to the side. "That's great, but what happens when someone pokes at the Cage again? The Winchester bloodline may not exist anymore and they are our true vessels. We will be completely and utterly screwed. It's not a risk we can take." The Nephilim sighed and shook her head, her gaze dropping to the floor. She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth in thought. Was she really considering taking his full deal and continuing the bloodline?

"The deal you had offered back in Heaven...if I helped lock up Lucifer then could it work? We take care of the Devil and I get the dream life, thus continuing on your bloodline. When Heaven wants something to happen then they'll make it happen."

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