Chapter 14: 5.4.1 The End

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Kansas City, Missouri

    Dean Winchester had been driving peacefully when an unconscious blonde appeared in his backseat, one arm draped over  her stomach and the other hanging off of the seat. He jumped, his eyes widening, and the car swerved on the road for a brief moment before he managed to get it under control. He eyed her unconscious figure in the backseat, furrowing his eyebrows and twisting around to see that it was Cassandra. She didn't seem to be injured but Dean also couldn't see her that well. He pulled off to the side of the empty road and cut the engine.

    "Cassandra." She didn't stir. He rolled his eyes and reached back, shaking her. "Cassandra, wake up." She groaned and her eyes fluttered open, the glow of the dim street light reflecting off of her blue irises. She glanced around groggily before sitting up, holding her head. Dean stared at her with raised eyebrows.


    "You can't return my texts but you can poof yourself into my car?" Dean asked. Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows.

    "I didn't do that," she muttered. Dean leaned forward, studying her eyes.

    "Are your eyes red? Were you crying? Why were you crying? Jesus, Princess, you look like hell," he told her. She scoffed, shaking her head.

    "You don't know the half of it." She let out a sigh and licked her lips, her gaze lifting to meet Dean's. He seemed tired, more so than usual. The bags under his eyes were darker and deeper and his eyes seemed to had lost some of the hope that was left. "Where are we?"

    "Kansas City, Missouri. The hotel I was going to stay at is just a few blocks over but you decided to just pop in without warning. Do you even know how to work a phone?" His voice rose slightly and Cassandra rolled her eyes.

    "You're mad," she stated.

    "Really? I had no idea!" Dean retorted sarcastically. Cassandra scowled and narrowed her eyes at him, still holding a hand to her head. It felt as if her brain was pounding against her skull and she could feel her stomach churn in sickness. Whatever Cas did to her had a bad affect on her physically. "Did you improve at all in your training?" he asked calmly. She shrugged, nodding her head to the side.

    "Somewhat. I mostly just got pissed off. I don't believe I was supposed to be back yet, though." Dean sighed and ran a hand through his hair, nodding.

    "Okay, let's just get to the hotel and get ahold of Cas and see what he says. I'm sure he sent you here for a reason." Cassandra got out and switched over to the front seat, closing her door just as Dean started to drive off again.

Most of the ride was silent and Cassandra took notice to how distant Dean was from her, both mentally and physically. She didn't say anything about it. She only watched the scenery pass by, getting out of the car when Dean had pulled up to the motel. Dean grabbed his duffel from the trunk before slamming it shut, turning to look at Cassandra with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you have a bag?" he had questioned. She shook her head.

"Uh, left it where Cas and I trained. I'll be fine without it. I'm sure I'm not staying long anyways." Dean nodded and they started to make their way up to the motel room, Cassandra tuning out the brief conversation between Dean and the religious man. His eyes followed Cassandra until she disappeared from his line of sight, rushing up the stairs with Dean to their room. "How have you been?" Dean stopped as he unlocked the door, turning to glare at the blonde.

"How have I been? Maybe if you answered your phone you would have known." He pushed open the door, Cassandra following in and quietly shutting it behind her.

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