Chapter 15: 5.4.2 The End

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Cassandra's eyes were wide as she stared back at Future-Dean. She opened her mouth to reply but no words came out, her mouth opening and closing almost like a fish. Finally she pursed her lips and cocked her head to the side, staring at Future-Dean with squinted eyes. Suddenly she started to laugh.


    "I'm not lying," Future-Dean grunted. Cassandra nodded slowly. She stopped laughing but her smile never fell from her lips.

    "You have to be. Hell would freeze over before Dean Winchester loved a woman and actually had a steady relationship with her. It's just not possible. I know you, Dean. I've studied you and I've learned the basics of your habits. You're a one-night stand type of guy. You're growing cold to me because I left and you didn't need me anymore," Cassandra explained.

         Future-Dean rolled his eyes and glanced around before pulling Cassandra towards him, planting his lips on hers. She could taste the whiskey on his lips and she wanted to blame his actions on intoxication, but she knew that it wasn't the reason. He was sober and he was serious. Her eyes widened and she shoved him back after a moment, gaping at him. He held his hands out as a 'see?' gesture.

      "What the hell?" she shouted.

    "I'm not lying to you, Cassandra. I haven't lied to you since you found out about your mom and Michelle all those years ago. What I'm telling you actually happened," Future-Dean argued, his voice sharp and stern. Cassandra scoffed and shook her head in disbelief. "You don't believe me? Fine. Maybe this will help." Cassandra watched as he pulled out an old leather wallet, the corners fraying with one large slice down the middle. The wallet had seen better days, and so had the picture he pulled out. He handed it to the woman standing in front of him.

    Cassandra eyed him warily before plucking the photograph from his hand and glanced down at it. Her breath hitched in her throat. A blonde woman, clad in a basic white lace dress and heels, and a man in a tuxedo stared back at her, grinning ear to ear. Cassandra shook her head.

    "This isn't real," she whispered.

    "January fifth, two-thousand-twelve. You had stuck around with us through the entire Apocalypse and you only grew stronger and so did we. I fell in love with you and you fell in love with me." Future-Dean pulled a silver chain from his shirt, a gold band hanging from it. It sparkled in the sun, not one bit of dirt or grime on it. He cleaned it regularly. He cared for it. "I told you to leave because the guilt was too much for the both of us to handle." Cassandra shoved the picture back against his chest and started to walk away when Future-Dean reached out, grabbing her arm. "Where are you going?"

    "I refuse to believe any of this. You must've really changed over the years to actually settle down. I'm not stupid, Dean. I knew what I was getting into when I let you kiss me that night at Bobby's."

    "Winchester, we goin' or what?" a male voice called out. Future-Dean glanced over his shoulder at a man who stared back in confusion. The blond nodded once and looked to Cassandra. She pulled her arm out of his grasp and stormed away back to the cabin where her Dean was. All she wanted to do was get the hell out of there and go home.

    "Cassandra, please come with us," Future-Dean begged. She shook her head and walked off, racing back towards the cabin that she last saw Dean in. Future-Dean sighed and shook his head, climbing into the truck that Cassandra had just been leaning against.

    Cassandra ran into the cabin, stopping in the doorway when she found that it was empty. Her eyes widened and she stepped in further, her boots echoing on the hollow wood. "Dean?" she called out. There was no answer. "Dean!" She threw her head back and groaned before turning and leaving the cabin. She stopped abruptly, just dodging getting hit by a pickup truck. The driver of the Jeep behind it slowed the vehicle, looking to Cassandra.

Monster (A Supernatural Fanfiction) [1]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora