MONSTER One-Shot: Djinn

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A bright light escaped through the crack in the red curtains, shining directly on the blonde's peaceful face. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned over, desperately trying to shield her eyes from the light. A moment later a loud beeping teamed up with the sunlight, echoing throughout the master bedroom. She groaned and her icy blue eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of a pair of piercing green eyes sparkling back at her. The man lying next to her leaned forward, planting a kiss on her lips.

    "Morning, Princess," he muttered against her lips. She smiled and hummed, kissing him again. His hands snaked around her bare waist and pulled her closer. He turned her on her back and hovered over the blonde, his arms on either side of her body propping him up. A giggle escaped her lips when he started to leave a trail of kisses along her jawline, traveling down to her neck.

    "I have to get ready for work," she told him, lightly pushing on his torso. Dean pulled away and frowned down at her, running his hand over her sides and stopping at her thigh. Dean continued to kiss down her body, stopping at her collarbone and nipping it lightly. She gasped and her eyes closed briefly before she glared up at him.

    "Skip work," he mumbled. "Let's just stay in bed all day. The kids are with your mom for the day and Sam and Jess aren't supposed to be coming over until tonight." The blonde rolled her eyes and shoved her husband to the side, watching as he flopped on his back with a groan. "Cassy," he whined.  She chuckled and straddled him, running her hands down his torso. She enjoyed the feeling of his abs and the firmness of his chest.

    "I can't just skip work like you can. Unlike you, I'm not the boss."

    "Well you should be." Cassy rolled her eyes and swung her leg over his body, getting up from the bed. He reached over and smacked her ass, earning a yelp and a playful glare. "I like that outfit on you," he told her with a smirk. She scoffed.

    "No, you like it when I lack an outfit." He pursed his lips and nodded his head to the side. He couldn't argue with her there. "Dean, I'm serious. Get ready before we're both late," Cassandra told him. He sighed and complied, rolling out of bed and grabbing a pair of jeans from the dresser before tossing Cassandra her tight black dress. She quickly pulled it on over her undergarments, the hem reaching mid-thigh.

    "What time are the newly-weds coming over tonight?" Dean questioned, slipping on a black v-neck. Cassandra glanced up at him in the mirror of her dresser as she clasped her necklace around her neck.

    "Around six, I believe." Suddenly an overwhelming pain radiated throughout her head and she cringed, clenching her eyes shut and leaning forward on the dresser. Dean furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to her, placing a hand on the small of her back.

    "Babe? You okay?"

    Flashes of a man with raven hair and bright blue eyes that matched Cassandra's took over her line of vision. She could hear an ear-piercing scream echo throughout her mind. Windows around her shattered and two men resembling Sam and Dean fell to the ground, clutching their ears as they yelled out in pain. The raven-haired man staggered back, losing his balance as he leaned back on a black nineteen-sixty-seven Chevy Impala. The scream stopped abruptly.

    "Sam! Dean!" she yelled out before rushing over to their sides, ignoring the sharp pain in her knee as she crouched down in front of Dean.

    "Cassandra!" The blonde gasped and her eyes flew open. She looked up in the mirror to see Dean staring back at her with worried eyes. She panted, struggling to catch her breath. "What the hell? Are you okay?" She nodded and gulped.

    "Uh, yeah. Yeah. Fine," she replied, straightening her posture and running a hand through her hair. Dean sighed.

    "Are you sure? You zoned out for a long time and you seemed to be in pain. Maybe you shouldn't go in today and we can cancel the plans with Sammy and Jess." She spun around and stared at him with wide eyes, shaking her head.

Monster (A Supernatural Fanfiction) [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz