Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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Vienna's POV

"It's enough you'll make me look like a joker" I said to my friend Nancy who was doing my hair and make up since one hour preparing me for a date which I still don't want to go on.

"You look gorgeous" she complimented finally finishing my make up.

"I still don't want to go on this date Nancy" I said sadly.

"Oh come on Vienna you have to move on, just forget him we don't even know where he might be and the reason of his sudden's almost a year since he disappeared and if he really loved you then why did he left" she replied trying to explain to me but how can I forget Ryan just like that, how can I forget him when I still love him madly he's my first love and I guess he'll be my last, every second I'm worried about him thinking what has happened to him, where he is, if he is even safe or not.

"Listen Vienna, Jason is a nice guy and he really likes you so just focus on your date with him tonight and stop thinking about Ryan" Nancy said and I snapped out of my trance.

"I really don't want to go, please inform Jason that I won't be coming tell him that I'm not well" I replied not getting a good feeling about this date tonight.

"No you'll go and that's finally" she said and before I could argue further I was interrupted by the bell on the door, oh god it must be Jason, what to do now.

"Come on go now" Nancy said almost pushing me out of my room "And enjoy" she added as I opened the main door only to see Jason standing there.

" are looking beautiful" he said with a smile before extending his hand for mine and I hesitantly placed my hand in his and we walked out.

"Won't you ask where we are going" he said while driving towards...well God knows where.

I remained silent, not feeling like talking to anyone.

"What's wrong" he asked when I didn't reply.

"Jason you are a nice guy but I consider you just as a good friend of mine and nothing else...I really don't want to hurt your feelings but I just want to clear one thing that I don't feel the same for you and I don't think I would ever be able to. I'm just not able to bring myself to like you in that way" I replied and he looked towards me with sad eyes but whatever I said is the truth, I can't change it.

"It's okay Vienna it's not necessary that you have to like me too I can totally understand it" he replied and I smiled at him.

"Thank you for understanding me" I said.

Jason is a really simple and sweet guy, he and I work in the same company and we became friends since my first day at work only and now from the past few months he has been asking me out for a date but I kept denying because I just don't feel like dating anyone but Nancy has been continuously nagging me to give Jason a chance and go on a date with him and all. And yesterday she literally forced me to accept to go out with him and I finally though unwillingly agreed and here we are now.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the car halt roughly as I saw there was a black car in front of Jason's car and it's windows were dark so we couldn't see anything through it. I looked at Jason confused and he returned the same confused look. I don't understand what's going on, is the driver of that car mad or something to stop his car in front of us like that, we could have ended up in some dangerous accident.

"Wait let me see" I said when the car didn't leave our way even after hearing the continuous horn from our car and I was about to get out when Jason stopped me.

"No wait I think there's something wrong" he said but I didn't listen to him as he still tried to stop me and he got out too but before we would think any further we saw the car's door opening and a bulky man walked towards us, he wore all black clothes and I can sense something weird now.

"Hey what are you doing" Jason said panicked when that guy pointed a gun at my head and if I tell that I'm not scared at all then it would be a lie, a big lie.

"What d-do you want" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Get in the car" the guy said pushing Jason away when he tried to come in front of me.

"Don't come in our way it won't be good for you" the guy said to Jason pushing him again and this time he fell on the road hard and his head hit on the road making his forehead bleed.

"Jason" I called out with concern trying to help him in getting up but that guy again pointed a gun at my head asking me to get in the car and I started walking towards the car slowly fearing that if I don't he'll shoot me.

" someone please help us" I shouted as I reached the car but didn't got in as I heard Jason's voice from behind asking that guy to leave us.

"Listen lady we are not allowed to hurt you or by now you must have been lying on the road dead so just corporate with us and get in the car" the guy said and this time the gun made contact with the back of my head which scared me to death so I quietly got in the car as the same guy first tied my hands at my back together and then tied a black cloth around my eyes. Now all I can see is the darkness.

The fear in me increased more and more by each passing second as I felt the car moving. God, who are these people, where are they taking me and what will they do to me.


Hey guys,

So here is the first chapter, do tell me how you felt about it.

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Bye until next time :)

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