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Song of the chapter: Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue.


Two Years Ago, New Jersey


Ava cursed silently to herself as her car stopped abruptly. She thought it sounded funny that morning, but took it anyway, telling herself that it was nothing.

Turns out it was something.

She looked around and cursed harder, she just had to stop in front of the male hostel in the university.

She got out of the car after trying to start it but to no avail. She walked to the front and opened the bonnet, having no idea what she was looking for. She was about to call a tow truck company when a black guy walked out of the hostel, shirtless.

He walked towards a car with a bucket and a bowl, wearing only a pair of jeans that hung loosely on his waist. His six packs were alluring, and she could see his v-line. She had never found a black man sexy before, but, damn.

She looked away quickly when he caught her looking at him, and with a smirk, he walked over to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." She replied avoiding his gaze.

"I meant with the car." He explained.

"Oh." She said, burning with embarrassment. "I don't know, it just stopped."

"Let me look at it, I know a thing or two about cars." He offered and she replied with a nod, stepping aside and allowing him to take a look at the car.

She rested on the side of the car while he looked at her engine, humming to himself. He walked to his car and got a tool box, doing God-knows-what to her car.

"Your accent, you don't sound Black American." She pointed out, trying to make a conversation.

"I'm not." He shrugged.

"So, where are you from?"


"Ohh. That's cool." She said, mentally face-palming herself.

They stayed in an awkward silence until he was done.

"Okay. I'm done." He announced.

"Oh thanks-"


"Oh. Well I'm Ava." She smiled sweetly.

"Nice name. I'm sure you're wondering what kind of name Toki possibly is." He teased.

"You caught me." She laughed.

"Well that's a conversation for another day. I need to wash my car." He winked.

"Thanks anyway."

She got into her car and started it, driving away. She looked at him one last time, laughing to herself.

Since when was she interested in black boys, especially one from Nigeria?


Ava looked through the shelves over and over again, trying to find the book. She was sure that her dad had kept it there before.

"What are you looking for?" She turned around and saw her sister looking at her with a lifted eyebrow.

"That book where they wrote about Nigeria and all that." She shrugged, trying to act nonchalant.

"And since when were you so interested in Nigeria?" Anna asked suspiciously and Ava blushed. "Oh my God! You met a boy."

"What- how? No." Ava denied.

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