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Song of the chapter: Fall by Davido


Ava woke up that morning with a goal in mind: Impress Toki's parents.

She knew that they were just worried about the welfare of their son, so she had to prove to them that she was more than capable to take care of their son.

She got out of bed quietly, so she wouldn't wake Toki, and crept into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she made her way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

She met the housemaid, Mary, and pleaded with her to allow her make breakfast for the family, and after a lot of coercion, Mary reluctantly agreed.

She got out the ingredients and proceeded to make French toast and eggs.


Toki panicked when he woke up and didn't see Ava sleeping beside him, but his fear quickly subsided when he perceived the aroma of her famous french toast.

After freshening up, he went downstairs and saw her hovering over the stove, frying eggs and whistling.

"You know we have a housemaid for a reason." He teased with a wide smile.

She looked at him and grinned. "I know. But I don't want your parents to think I would be a lazy wife." She replied.

His heart warmed up, she was doing this to impress his parents.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I think you would be a perfect wife."

"I know. But it's not about what you think anymore." She said and there was a hint of sadness in her voice. "Anyways, your parents would soon be here. Help me set the table for breakfast."

"Yes ma'am."

"I just hope your parents like it." She wondered out loud.

"If they don't, more for me." He joked and laughed. She burst out laughing and turned back to what she was doing.

After a while, she heard his parents walk into the dining room. Nervously, she took the plates of food and placed them in front of everyone. She greeted and sat down.

"Whats this?" Toki's father asked after a moment of awkward silence. Toki looked up from the food he was already wolfing down.

"Its French toast and scrambled eggs sir." Ava replied nervously.

"I know what it is. I mean, why is this here? Abi see me oh! You see why I don't want you to marry his girl!" He barked.

"Dad!" Toki cut in but his father went on.

"That's how you would be hungry if you marry a girl like this. Is this supposed to be my breakfast? This isn't even quater of the amount I eat. I have a housemaid for a reason, I don't need you to cook this your flimsy excuse of breakfast for me! I already told you that I don't want you to marry this girl. I don't know why she's still here. You think I didn't do my homework abi. I saw her pictures na. Pictures of her doing modelling, showing all her skin to the world. Jo, is that the kind of woman you want to marry. A woman that every man has seen her in underwear? This white girl isn't good for you, why won't you just listen to me?" He finished.

Ava had done a little modelling during her senior year in high school, and she was surprised that his father had done a background check on her.

Ava was already crying, and Toki was fuming in anger. Toki's mother was trying to convince the father to leave, but he refused vehemently.

"Dad! How can you say that? Do you know how early she woke up just to do this for you? She spent time in the kitchen making you breakfast and you just ignore it and start complaining. Kini gbo gbo e le yi? What's the big deal in modelling now? I don't like what you're doing oh daddy! This is the 21st century. Wake up and smell the coffee, not everything is the way it was before." Toki complained already standing up.

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