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Song of the chapter: Animals by Maroon 5


Toki never liked to drink alcohol when he was angry or sad, he preferred coffee instead. The people around him knew about his distaste for alcohol but they never bothered to ask him why.

As he watched Ada, the half sister of one of his best friends, her eyes red as she tripped over her own feet, he was suddenly reminded of why he avoided alcohol and never used it to forget his troubles.

He saw what he did to his favorite uncle, who died while driving drunk after he lost his job, and he vowed to never use alcohol as the way out of a problem.

Ada stumbled into the sitting room with a bottle of cheap beer in one hand, and her six inches pair of heels in another, shooting Ava a menacing glare that caused the latter to flinch.

"This is all your fault, you ashewo!" Ada pointed at her angrily.

Toki's parents were already walking out of their room, his mother with a surprised look on her sleepy face, and his father completely furious.

"Ada! What is all these? Do you know what the bloody time is? What are you doing here." Toki shouted but she didn't look at him, she was looking at Ava instead.

"This is all your fault!" She said, more calmly. "Toki was supposed to love me, he was supposed to marry me. I'm supposed to be the one he loves! I'm supposed to be wearing that ring . It was supposed to be me!" She stomped her foot on the floor childishly.

"What the hell is this?" Ava snapped but Toki raised a hand, gesturing for her to keep quiet so he would settle the matter but Ada rambled on.

"I've always been there. We went to high school together, why didn't you notice me? I was always there but you never saw me. You never looked at me. Why does she get your attention? What's so special about her anyway?" Ada spat out bitterly.

"I'll show you what's special!" Ava growled angrily, coming at her but Toki pulled her back, giving her a look.

"Ada, we never had anything. I never promised you anything." Toki said slowly, so that she could process what he was saying as fast as her drunk mind could.

"You told me you loved me that night." She whimpered.

"I was drunk Ada. And I just found out about Zainab aborting my baby." He said apologetically.

"You should have got me fucking pregnant." She mumbled loud enough for them to hear.

Toki's mother gasped, obviously kept in the dark during her son's player days but his father just grunted unimpressed, wanting to get back to sleep.

"What did you just say?" Toki asked, stepping forward and glaring at her.

"That night, you didn't use a condom. You were too drunk to even know what you were doing. And I let you, because I thought that if I had your baby, you would have loved me. You would have married me. But you didn't get me bloody pregnant." Ada explained, slurring her words.

"Thank God." Toki's mother muttered in relief. She didn't want someone like Ada as a daughter in law.

"Ada, that doesn't matter, you need to leave." Toki instructed.

"Can't you see what I'm telling you, we're meant for each other. I'm the one you love. You said it that night, and I waited for you." She stepped towards him, clutching his shirt and looking at him and trying a seductive look, the stench of alcohol and sweat hitting him, causing him to wrinkle his nose.

"You better get your hands of my man." Ava warned, loosing her patience and Toki pushed her away gently.

"No! I don't want to leave! I want you." She shouted.

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