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Song of the chapter: False Alarm by Matoma and Becky Hill.


Ava had always loved weddings.

The dresses, cake, flowers and the thought that the event ties you to someone else for the rest of you life, or till you get a divorce, always fascinated her.

Ever since she was young, she had her dream wedding planned to the tiniest detail. Sometimes, she thought that was the reason why she was a wedding planner; almost like she was practising, trying out other weddings so she would do exceptionally well when she planned hers.

When she walked behind Anu as she walked down the aisle, Bolu looking awed by her beauty, and the people looking happily at the almost wedded couple, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy.

She was happy for her, but she wanted something like that too.

She wanted her parents and the parents of the person she loved sitting side by side, wishing them a happily married life.

She couldn't wait for the day Toki would stare at her with that look in his eyes, the same look that Bolu gave Anu.

And that was what she prayed for with all of her heart.


"Wow, I can't believe I'm finally married." Anu beamed with a radiant smile. She had just had the first dance with Bolu, and another with her father, and after, she had rushed over to Ava with an excited face.

"Well you are now a Mrs. Even if I've not known you for a while, I'm so happy for you." Ava nudged her and replied with a smile. "Bolu looks like he'll eat you alive." Ava teased, winking at her.

"Oh my God Ava! Thank God I'm not white, I would be as red tomato by now. I'm waiting for my wedding night." Anu squealed and Ava scrunched her face playfully. "Thanks anyway. I can't wait for you and Toki to get married. Biko, you guys should do fast fast jare." Anu joked.

"Well, I'm just waiting for him to settle down, you know how it is." Ava shrugged.

"Toki would fight for you. He won't let you go, you should know that." Anu said with sincerity in her eyes and Ava nodded, trying to believe her. "Ah God! This dress is too big, and these heels are killing my feet." Anu said and they burst into laughter.

"You should go and change into the reception dress we prepared just in case. And I left the little package from Victoria's Secret, a little happy married life present. I just want to be the godmother of your first child." Ava grinned.

"Hm, maybe. You might even name him or her after you sef." Anu joked and Ava glared at her playfully. "Yeah, right after I throw my bouquet, so you better go and stay with all those girls and catch it." Anu wagged her finger playfully and left.

"I hope I do." Ava whispered to herself.


"There it is, twenty million naira deposited into your account. You can leave me alone now." Toki said with a grim look, glaring at Zainab who sat across him with a triumphant smirk.

She had come to his office the day after Bolu's wedding, on his request, to collect her money and in his words, 'get the hell out of his life.'

"Gladly." She replied, spinning in the chair. "I'm sure your white girlfriend doesn't know about this."

"She's my fiancee." Toki corrected matter-of-factly. "And she knows the truth. That's all that matters."

"Of course, whatever. Not my business." She waved her hand dismissively. "You call me a crook, a bad person who would do anything for money. But at least I'm not like you, I don't lie to the people I love."

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