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Dinner has been so quiet and I honestly couldn't stand it. Don't get me wrong, we aren't the most social family, but we aren't normally this quiet.

"So Austin, did you finally get that promotion?" My mom asked. They worked for the same company, just different departments.

"Actually, they tell me tomorrow. I've been preparing for weeks. If I get this promotion I can finally go on that business trip that everyone goes on, I believe it's Spain this year."

My ears perked up at the mention of the business trip. My parents always go on a business trip during the summer and this year they were going to Spain. Is he talking about that one? Will he be moved to my mother's department?

"Wait, are you moving to mom's department?" I asked with a mouth full of rice.

He chuckled at me and wiped the side of my mouth, making sure to be subtle with it and not sexual.

He put the piece of rice on a napkin.

"Yea, maybe you and Taylor can finally go on one of those trips together " he smiled.

He wasn't really talking about me and Taylor though, I knew he was referring to me and him.

I faked a smile even though I wanted to roll my eyes.

I focused on my food until it was eventually gone.

I got up to wash my dish and my mom came in after.

"Hey, me and your dad have to wake up early tomorrow so we're going to head to bed, do you mind showing Austin out?" I nodded before she kissed my temple.

"I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart" I nodded in shock.

She hasn't shown me any type of affection since I was at least twelve. Maybe she had a rough day at work. I just decided to let it go and just appreciate it.

I washed my dish along with my parents' so that they could go straight to bed. Soon Austin met me in the kitchen.

"I'm assuming my parents are gone" I turn to him as he nodded.

"Sorry for making dinner so awkward" he apologized while washing his dish.

I hopped onto the counter and shrugged.

"It's not like we were having a heated make out session or anything" I spat sarcastically making him laugh.

I smiled as I rolled my eyes and crossed  my arms. Austin put the dish down on the towel next to the sink to dry and came over to me.

He uncrossed my arms and wrapped them around his neck while his arms encircled my waist.

"Gimme a kiss" he puckered his lips as he leaned forward.

"No way, I think it's time for you to go home mr. Mahone." I smirked while his eyes opened wide.

"Are you being serious?" he asked with complete shock written all over his face.

"Yes, you need to go to work in the morning and I need to go to school." (I can't keep up with the days lol so let's say it's Sunday)

"Ugh, fine. I'll leave. But you have to walk me out." He negotiated. I nodded in response before he lifted me off the counter and onto my feet.

Mr. Mahone Where stories live. Discover now