Chapter 8

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Thank you all so much for the votes and reads!!!!!!!

EDITED. 7/1/19.

"What are you thinking about?" Parker questions as I pick at the spaghetti on my plate.

"Nothing," I grumble, spinning a noodle on my fork.

Parker sighs and places his utensil on the table. He gestures to the seat beside him, but I just glance at the empty chair and back to my food. 

"Why won't you talk to me?" Parker asks.

"Why won't you let me go home? We all have our questions," I reply sarcastically.

Parker's jaw clenches, but he maintains his composure. "Because," he growls. My insides flip at his anger, but I keep my eyes glued to the pasta. "This is your home now."

"No. It's not," I laugh at him, standing from the table and walking out of the dining room.

"Hadley..." Parker calls after me, rubbing his temples.

I go to the window and stare out at the perfectly mowed lawn. "I have friends. I have school. I was applying to Stanford, you know," I murmur, knowing very well that he is behind me. "I have a family."

"No you don't," he chuckles.

I whip around, my eyes filled with fire. "What?" I ask, my voice dripping in a daring tone.

"You have a brother," he challenges.

"So? He's my brother. And, if I'm not mistaken, if you have a brother, that automatically constitutes them as family," I retort.

"Not if he can't protect you from the dangers of the world," Parker snarls.

I laugh. "Dangers like you?" I reply innocently, raising an eyebrow.

Parker grabs ahold of my upper arm. His eyes are filled with anger. I remain calm, my head cocked to the side.

"I'm not a danger," Parker retaliates.

I snort. "Then why am I here? Why am I God only knows where without my consent?" I snatch my arm from him and bore my eyes into his.

He rubs his temples.

"Figures," I scoff, turning up the stairs.

"Hadley," Parker says in a dad-voice.

I continue to walk upstairs, quickening my pace. Parker stomps up the stairs behind me. I bound up the rest of the stairs while Parker attempts to make up the distance. When I reach the top, I sprint into my given room and slam the door in his face, locking it.

"Hadley, open this door," Parker orders.


"Hadley, I'm not playing games with you."

"I'm not playing games either, hotshot."

"This door had better be opened by the time I get to three," Parker warns. "One...two..."

Where Parker would say 'three', the door bursts open.

I glare at him. "Was that really necessary?" I roll my eyes.

Parker is fuming. "I'm not letting you leave because you are my queen. You are to rule this kingdom with me." With this, Parker crashes his lips onto mine.

I stand frozen to the ground, my hands on Parker's chest. He reaches his large palms to my cheeks, cupping them gently. My mouth reacts to his, moving in sync with his lips. I curl his shirt into my fists. We pull away, both gasping for air. I push away from his chest, running my hands through my hair.

Kidnapped By The Prince ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon