Chapter 16

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Parker nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, his arms wrapped protectively around my waist while his chest rises and falls against my spine. He sighs deeply, his breath fanning against my skin.

"'Night, Hadley." Parker whispers.

I shuffle slightly under the covers.

"'Night, Parker." I respond, reaching over to flick the lamp off. Parker's eyes flutter shut. The lightbulb flickers off, the only source of light coming from the glow of the Christmas lights surrounding my wall of photos. I snuggle closer into Parker's embrace, his body heat radiating through his shirt. He sighs contently, tightening his grip slightly. I allow my eyes to flutter closed and watch the darkness swirl beneath my eyelids.


I turn to face Parker, but he is replaced by a crumple of duvet and sheets. I sigh and smell a waft of bacon in the air. I groan lightheartedly and throw the covers off my body, swinging my legs over the bed. I shuffle to the door and pull it open, hearing the murmur of voices from downstairs.

"Boyfriend?" Aunt Caroline's voice raises from downstairs. I nearly tumble over my feet as I race for the steps, hurdling down them two at a time. I silently remind myself to skip the loose step near the bottom. My foot slips, and I brace myself early for the tumble all the way down to the tile. Instead, I remain on the broken step.

"Oh. Good morning, Hadley." Parker greets happily, motioning me over. I look down at the - now fixed - step, then back to Parker. "I fixed that step earlier. It was such a pain." He smiles softly, holding out his hand. I step onto the tile and walk over to him, placing my hand in his.

"Your Aunt Caroline is quite a wonderful person, Hadley. How come you never mentioned her?" Parker questions, quirking his head slightly.

"I thought you knew everything about me," I mumble under my breath. Parker raises an eyebrow disapprovingly and motions for me to sit down.

"Hi, Aunt Caroline." I smile, snatching a piece of bacon from the plate set in the middle of the table. Haiden resides next to her, his cup of coffee tucked tightly between his hands.

"I don't approve." Aunt Caroline says bluntly. I raise my eyebrow at her before stuffing the bacon in my mouth.

"I don't need your approval." I argue, keeping eye contact with her brown ones.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Aunt Caroline snaps. I shrug and pop another piece of bacon into my mouth, chomping loudly. Parker chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Listen to your Aunt, Hadley." Haiden grumbles, taking a sip from his coffee.

I scoff.

"You don't even listen to her," I retort.

"Because I'm an adult." He shoots back dangerously.

"Well, if that's the case, then let's go, Parker." I smile at Haiden. His facial features tighten.

"Where are you going?" Haiden questions.

I shrug.

"I'm going to do whatever adults do with their boyfriend. I mean, since I'm eighteen, it's okay. Right?" I question, the smirk on my face growing wider. Parker chokes on his tea and splutters.

Kidnapped By The Prince ✔️ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin