Chapter 26

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Chapter Dedicated To: LeMelodyShipper0w0 for making me cackle so hard in the comments that I nearly peed my pants.

✖️not edited✖️

One week later...

The movers lift the last of the boxes and carry them swiftly into the designated rooms assigned by Autumn and Talon.

Kayla bites her bottom lip in excitement and shakes her fists together.

"This is so cool! Hadley, you get to live here everyday, with us now!" Kayla squeals, hugging me and bouncing around.

"Joy," I pout, sarcasm evident in my tone.

"I will smack that smirk off your face," she warns. And let's be honest, I really don't doubt that she would. She once beat up her cousin for taking her Barbie Dream House - with the plastic itself. It was a scary day.

"Just kidding," I huff in annoyance.

"Hadley!" Parker waves me over. He was in meetings all day. His suit is primly pressed - not a single crease or ruffle in sight. His hair is slicked back with gel for the first time in his life, but it doesn't look too shabby. Although I prefer the messy look. His "business buckaroos," as he calls them, are gleaming under the chandelier light, the waxed leather shining in business, hence the name.

I trot over to him and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Good God, I hate meetings." He groans into my hair.

"Agreed." I mutter.

"Did you miss me?" Parker pulls away.

"Of course. I can only handle those guys for so long," I note sarcastically. I'm salty today.

Parker frowns.

"So it wasn't genuine missing me?" he asks sadly.

"I mean - it was! I just...ugh, never mind." I splutter.

Parker chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"You're cute when you're flustered." He observes before releasing me. I frown at the loss of contact. I smile again when I see him and Haiden having a civilized conversation again. They've gotten closer over the past few days, which I'm not complaining about. The better their relationship is, the better ours can be. James and Devin throw their arms over my shoulders in a friendly manner, each of them smiling contently as they examine the palace with wide eyes. Devin and I established right from the beginning that we were going to be just friends - nothing else. And, as a shocker-slash-bonus, he got a girlfriend in the time that I was gone.

Thank sweet baby Jesus.

"My room's almost done," James beams proudly. Devin glares at him.

"Well, mine is gonna look better than yours." He counters.

"Fuck you, Devin." James clips.

"Not even on your birthday," Devin chirps before speeding away.

James chases him through the halls of the palace, shrieking in maniacal anger. Devin cackles, his laughs being echoed off the walls.

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