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"I said I was ready for a baby—not three!" I complained as I felt the kick of one of the triplets. I looked up to the ceiling as Parker led me through the living room and into his car outside. "Fuck you," I hissed, pointing up. "The no-period thing was great, but this is shit."

"Hadley, you sound like a sailor." Parker opened the door. "The hospital isn't that far away, try to keep your profanities to a minimum."

"Fuck you, too!" I cried. "This—" I pointed to my stomach and drew rapid circles around it—"is your fault. You should be having these things—Jesus!" I yelped as a searing pain cascaded down my side.

"Did you just pee yourself?!" Parker screeched, pointing to the pool of water beneath my feet. I followed his wavering finger and groaned.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"


Four Years Later

"On a better note, at least Lonn didn't poop himself today," Parker comments as I look to Remi in disgust. "It's like she plays in the mud for fun," Parker whispers in awe.

"My child. Definitely my child." I nodded. "Clyde! Come on, you're gonna be late for preschool!"

My first-born of the three toddles out of our room, fully dressed in business attire from Parker's closet. Parker laughs as I only blink at the mess in front of me.

"Parker, go get him dressed, I'll take care of Remi and Lonn," I sigh.

Parker chuckles as he stands from his crouched position and swoops Clyde into his arms, taking him back into his own room.

"What have you done to yourself, Remi?" I groan as I help her shrug off the muddy clothes clinging to her chubby body.

"I got dirty!" Remi cheers, pointing to her mud-clashed hands in triumph.

"You sure did," I mumble, plucking the new, clean clothes from the floor and pulling them over her head. "Now, you can't run outside until it's time to go. Okay?"

Remi nods excitedly, pointing to the door. "I go outside now?"

I purse my lips at her. "No." I smooth out wrinkles from her striped shirt.

Remi pauses, staring at the door in longing. "Now?"

I huff a breath before tending to Lonn, who currently has his head stuck in a pail from the sandbox. With this being noticed, Remi makes a mad dash for the door, her little legs toddling with each step.

"I gonna make it!" she hoots, reaching the door.

"Damn it," I hiss. "Remi! Get back here!" I take off after her, tugging her wriggling body away from the door as she reaches for it.

"Outside!" she protests.



"I said no, Remi," I scold her sternly, scooting her towards Clyde's room. "Go talk to your brother."

"Fine." She blows a strand of thick, brown hair out of her eyes in mockery before stomping away to Clyde's room.

"Lonn, get your head out of the bucket." I pull the bucket off of his head and set it on the floor.

His eyes are wide and unaccustomed to the lighting. "It got stuck." He points to the flashy red pail on the floor.

"He naked! He naked!" Remi shrieks as she splits out of Clyde's room.

Of course, because my morning can't possibly get any worse, Clyde shoots out of his room, following Remi. The best part?

He's butt naked.

"He has a pee-pee and it's gross!" Remi cries as she throws herself up the stairs in a desperate attempt to get away from Clyde.

"Look at it, E! Look at it!" Clyde runs circles around the room, chasing Remi up the stairs.

"Hey! No running up the stairs!" I scold, taking off after them. "Parker! Help me!"

"I can't find his pants!" Parker shrieks as he appears from Clyde's room.

"You can't find—"

A large whump comes from the top of the stairs, shortly followed by a scream of agony and a cry.

Parker and I share a look that says everything.


I finish my trek up the marble stairs and I'm welcomed by Clyde on the ground, clutching his nose in his hand. Blood pools on the ground, and Remi only glares down at his writhing figure.

"Remi!" I shout in amazement. "What did you do?!"

She slowly looks over to me, a cold, dead look in her eye. "He touched me with it."

Parker appears next to me, out of breath and just as shocked as I am.

"Did she punch him?" he whispers in my ear.

I slap my palm against my forehead before plucking the keys from my pocket. "You grab the kids, I'll grab the car."

"Deal. Clyde, get up! We're going to the hospital." Parker orders, slinging Remi over his shoulder and pulling Clyde into his arms as he wails. "Lonn, come on! We're taking your brother to the hospital!"

I trot down the stairs and open the door, bringing the car around front for Parker and the kids. They all slide in, buckled and ready for Clyde's special doctor visit.

Remi's eyes are still cold and remorseless. "He deserved it."

And that is how I took my son to the hospital because he got punched in the nose by his sister for touching her with his pee-pee.


And that's the end! Sorry I've been taking so long on the updates, my teachers have been loading us with homework because, you know, that's their only hobby. But my education comes before this so I'm extremely thankful I didn't get too many "plz update!!" 's. So, KBTP is going into major editing because I have found major plot holes, grammatical errors and spelling errors of all kinds. Which isn't normal for me, I'm just not used to writing on my phone. Thank you all so much for reading and be sure to check out my other stories!!

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