Chapter 12

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"Devin!" I shout, running through the maze of his house. "Devin, I'm here!"

I hear shuffles coming from upstairs, so I bolt up the staircase.

"Hadley, be careful!" Parker warns me, trotting up the stairs.

"Devin!" I continue to yell. When I reach the top, a door slams on its own.

Not today, Satan.

"Devin, please." I beg, bumping my forehead against the wood.

"You're not real." He murmurs. I shake my head and chuckle humorlessly.

"I'm real, Devin. I swear." I choke. Parker rests a hand on my shoulder, but I shrug it off.

The door flies open, nearly making me fall inside.

"You're not real." Devin repeats angrily, pulling at his hair. I throw my arms around his neck and launch myself into him.

"You're not real." He whispers with doubt this time.

"I'm real." I assure him. My arms tighten around him, while his do the same.

"Where have you been?" he asks quietly. I feel a tear fall onto my shoulder - it's not one of mine.

"I needed some time to think," I lie. Devin pulls away and studies my expressions. I glance to the right, not wanting to make eye contact with him. Instead of questioning me further, he asks a different question.

"Who's that?" he points to Parker with a dead expression on his face. Lying to Devin about Parker will break him. But I can't tell him the truth.

"Devin...this is my boyfriend, Parker." I say quietly, looking to the ground. Devin tenses when Parker reaches out his hand, but shakes it reluctantly.

"Hi." Devin grumbles. Parker smiles genuinely and wraps an arm around my waist. With this, Devin's jaw clenches. I blink away tears. Parker senses my uneasiness.

"I think you should go." Devin mutters. I look at him, unable to stop the tears.

"No." I reply stubbornly.

Devin huffs.

"Devin, what did you do to yourself?" I ask quietly. Devin's face falls.

"Nothing. Go, Hadley."

I shake my head and barge into his room.

"What happened?" I whisper in shock, looking at the piles of clothes and objects strewn across the floor.

"Nothing." Devin repeats.

"Devin..." I plead. He sighs and runs a frustrated hand through his hair.

"I was mad."

I snort.

"Obviously." I gesture to the room.

"I was mad because I couldn't do anything to bring you back." Devin explains further. My eyes soften and I slowly walk to him.

"Please, don't ever feel like this is your fault." I say sadly. Parker stuffs his hands in pockets and leans against the doorway.

"Why did you leave?" Devin asks angrily. I flinch at his tone. Parker perks up and stands at attention.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." I whisper, tears stinging my eyes.

"But you did." Devin scoffs. "We thought you died. We couldn't even call you because you left your phone on the table."

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, tears sliding from my cheeks.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Hadley." Devin snaps.

"Don't speak to her like that." Parker growls, stepping in between Devin and I, his back to me. Devin snorts.

"Whatever." Devin scoffs. Parker's back muscles tense wickedly.

"Devin." I mumble, hating the way I love his name coming from my mouth. He glances at me.

"What?" he asks, irritated. I suck in a breath.

"I really am sorry. I should've given you guys some warning." I respond sadly. Devin's face softens. Suddenly, he pushes Parker away and races to me. I flinch as he pulls me into his arms.

"Don't leave." He begs. I sniff and let a tear stain his shirt.

"I have to." I whisper, nuzzling my face into his chest. Devin holds me tighter.

"Please, Hadley. Don't go."

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