Chapter 20

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Parker puts Finding Nemo into the cabin's DVD slot. I snuggle into the couch and wrap the blanket I'm gripping to tightly around my shoulders, since Parker won't build a fire.

"It's cold in here." I comment at Parker's back.

"Then grab a blanket," he mumbles in response, pushing multiple buttons on the DVD player.

"I have a blanket."

"Then...grab another one." Parker waves his hands in the air.

"Or, you could start a fire." I point out.

"Why don't you start a fire, Hadley?" Parker asks rhetorically.

"Because whoever tells me to start a fire will regret it later on." I chime.

Parker thinks for a moment, his body going still.

"That's true." He admits, sauntering to the fireplace. He tosses a log into the wood stove, his muscles rolling and flexing under his shirt. After a few minutes of tossing in wood and some intense staring from me, Parker brushes his hands off and beams proudly at the stack of wood inside the fireplace.

"You know, I'm not exactly the fire expert, but I know enough to know that is most definitely not how you build a fire." I point accusingly at the unlit wood.

Parker chuckles.

"Oh, Hadley, always underestimating me." Parker murmurs, pushing a button on the wall. The pieces of wood burst into a dancing flame almost immediately.

"City slicker." I roll my eyes as Parker waltzes smugly over to the couch. He plops himself beside me and drapes an arm over my shoulder, watching as Nemo wiggles in and out of the sea anemone. Parker kisses my cheek tenderly and snuggles in closer under the blanket, each of us sighing contently.


I pull open the fridge door and examine the contents with sleep-heavy eyes. Parker stirs on the couch, a low groan escaping his lips. I chuckle quietly to myself before pulling out an apple. I rummage quietly through the cabinets and drawers until I come across the silverware. I pull out a knife and slice the apple into small triangles on a plate.

I pop a slice into my mouth and chew thoughtfully before settling on devouring the rest. Parker shuffles from the living room and saunters groggily into the kitchen, his hair disheveled.

"What are you eating?" he asks hoarsely, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Parker yawns, causing me to yawn. He furrows his brow at me. "Weirdo." He breathes.

"It's scientifically proven that yawning is contagious, asshole." I retort.

"Ow. Don't talk science before breakfast." Parker groans, rubbing his temples.

"And anyways, I'm eating an apple." I answer his question.

"That's solid." He nods.

"Now I feel like going on a juice cleanse," I mumble my thoughts. 

Parker looks at me funny.


"I SAID, NOW I FEEL LIKE GOING ON A JUICE CLEANSE!" I bellow unnecessarily. Parker merely winces and scrunches his face together.

"That was highly unnecessary." He notes distastefully before pulling out an orange from a drawer in the refrigerator.

"When can we go back?" I whine.

"When you shut up." Parker rests his head on the counter as he peels his orange.

"Can we go when you finish eating?" I plead, pulling out my signature pout face.

Parker glances at me, then turns away.

"Don't look at me like that," he groans.

"Why? Does it make you want to take me back home to Mr. Pancake?" I tease.

Parker looks at me, one eyebrow quirked and one side of his mouth turned up.

"Somethin' like that." He mumbles, smirking as he pulls off a section of the orange and placing it in his mouth.

I furrow my brow at him inquisitively.

"I don't get it," I finally admit, still trying to figure out what he means.

"That's probably a good thing, sweetheart." Parker comments. 

I ponder for a moment as Parker continues to eat his orange shamelessly.

"Perv." I smack his head when I realize what he meant. Parker just chuckles and eats his orange. When he's finished, he scraps the peels into the trash can and brushes his hands on his pants.

"Ready?" he calls, grabbing his keys off the hook by the door. I scurry after him just before he closes the door to lock it.


"Did the deed?" Haiden whispers as I walk inside. I roll my eyes majorly as I smack him upside the head. He mutters something unintelligible before walking away.

"I'm hungry," Parker whines, throwing open the refrigerator multiple times.

"You just ate like, two hours ago." I protest.

Parker looks me dead in the eye.

"Some people are fatcakes, Hadley."

"I would know, Parker. I'm one of them." I confirm.

Parker walks over slowly to me.

"Can I help you?" I cross my arms over my chest.

Parker leans in, his lips brushing against mine. It takes every last drop of maturity inside of me to not drag him into my room.

"Maybe you can, maybe you can't." He shrugs, his eyes piercing into mine.

I raise a brow.

"You just want me to get you food, don't you?" I sigh.

"You always ruin the moment," Parker huffs. "But yes. That would be nice."

"I'm back, bitches!" a familiar voice calls from the door.


Good God what have you done this time?





Kidnapped By The Prince ✔️ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora