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For once, I think my life is in order.

"I'm not having kids, Parker," I reiterate to him for the hundredth time. "I hate kids."

"Then who will take the throne when I die?" Parker inquires.

"Archer will," I suggest.

"And after Archer?" Parker pushes, continuing to make me want to hit him in the face.

"I'm sure Archer will have a kid, Parker. He's bound to forget protection at one point." I roll my eyes at his ignorance. "He's not exactly the brightest, you know."

"Of course I know that," Parker guffaws. "But what about after Archer's kid?"

"You'd better fucking hope that kid has a kid," I mutter.

"That's too sketchy—too many things can go wrong," Parker points out.

"Well, we'll both be dead by then, so no need to worry your pretty little head off about it."

Parker purses his lips in thought before nodding solemnly. "Perhaps you're right," he sighs monotonously.

"She's always right, bro, don't try to argue with her," Devin remarks as he waltzes into the living room, his arm swung around his long-time girlfriend, Sierra.

Sam's first comment on the poor girl was, "Sierra? Like, Sierra Mist the drink?" However, she's started to fit in quite nicely at the palace.

"It's like conversing with a wall," Abbigail adds in, holding her three-month old baby, Chase,  close to her chest. "She's stubborn as a mule."

"You're lucky you have a small child in your arms, or else I'd punch you in the mouth," I grumble.

"I thought you hated kids," Parker reminds me tauntingly.

"I'd hate having my own kids, but other people's kids are my favorite because then I can spoil them without repercussions."

"I'm going to be an uncle, Hadley, whether you like it or not." Haiden saunters into the living room as well, his arm around neither a girlfriend nor a baby, but clutching tightly to his Baconator from Wendy's.

"You're gonna get fat," I note, "you've had, like, four of those today."

"If there's a fast food place nearby, I'm going to take advantage of it," Haiden justifies.

I snort in an unrefined manner, "Obviously."

"Don't be hatin' on what you can't have," Haiden grumbles.

"I can literally walk over to McDonald's right now," I object.

"Then do it," Haiden smirks.

I ponder for a moment before plucking a nearby pair of shoes from their place and tugging them onto my bare feet. "Fine, I will."

"Hadley, where are you going?" Parker groans while Abbigail, Devin, and Sierra snicker in the background.

"I thought it was obvious." I gesture to Haiden. "I'm within walking distance of McDonald's, so I'm going to walk to McDonald's."

With this, I walk out the palace doors and down the street to McDonald's.


"Two double cheeseburgers, one buttermilk chicken sandwich, ten piece chicken nugget with barbeque sauce, a medium chocolate shake, two large fries, and one large Coke," I request.

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