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“Why did you people shout? Did I say anything wrong?”

Paaru started laughing loudly.
“oh … you … are … very … cute … Siri … I … just wondered … how anyone could … think … Hari … nice …”
She spoke in between the laughter and again burst out laughing. I glared at her. She winked at me and continued with the laughter.

“So … you … feel … that he is … a nice person?”

“Yes.” Siri looked totally confused.

“You won’t say this if you hear about him from me. When you recover from fever, let us meet up at my home. I will show you the other side of Hari.”

She smirked. {Women and their gossip! Ugh … not interested.} I rolled my eyes and moved out of the room with Ganesh. I played with him for a while. After about an hour, he started crying and I realised that he was hungry. I went to my room, to find Siri and Paaru laughing hard; holding their tummies. I smiled to see Siri so happy. It was the first time that she looked happy after marriage. I mentally thanked Paaru. Seemed like they were getting along very well.

“Paaru! Ganesh is hungry.”

“It is noon already! Wait Siri. I will prepare lunch for us. Take rest.”

“No … Bhabi … Please don’t trouble yourself.”

“There is no trouble. I am hungry too. And when I am cooking for myself, I might as well prepare for all of us. And don’t worry. I will make Hari do all the work. I will only supervise … ok?”
They both giggled. {These ladies!}

Paaru handed Ganesh to Siri. But she hesitated.
“Bhabhi I am sick. He might catch fever too.”

“Ah don’t worry. He is very strong. And you have not got any infection. It was just because of Hari’s torture. So just be a good girl and take care of him till we finish cooking.”
{This is my Paaru! Always dominant and bossy. She is a strong and brave woman but also has a very mild and lovely heart. That is her uniqueness.} 

Siri smiled and took Ganesh in her arms. He immediately cuddled and let out a sweet giggle. Siri smiled and started playing with his fingers. I wanted to stare at them, but Paaru pulled me out of the room to the Kitchen.

“Come on! Cook.”

“What? No. You cook.”

“Look Hari! I promised her that she will eat the food that you prepared for her.”

“But she is already sick. What if …”

She started laughing again. I loved to see her like this. Always happy.

“Hmm … we might all fall sick if we eat the food prepared by you. So, what shall we do?” She raised her eyebrows. I pleaded her with eyes and she let a small laugh.

“Okay. I will boil milk for Ganesh. Make him drink it. Meanwhile, I will prepare lunch.”

“Thanks. I knew I could always have faith in you.”

“Well … she likes you.” She suddenly spoke, as she placed the vessel with milk on the stove.

I looked at her in shock.
“Are you serious? Did you believe it? She is just saying it to impress you, because you are my Bestie. She is always like that … good and kind to everyone except me.”

“No … she likes you. I can see it in her eyes. She is not faking it. When she said that you are a nice person, she meant it.”

“But then … why is she rude to me? Her behaviour towards me …”

“She is scared.”

“Have you gone nuts? Just now you told me that she likes me. Now you tell me that she fears me.”

“Maybe … she is worried about losing her virginity.”

“Oh, come on …”

“Don’t take it lightly. It is a big problem to her. She is not ready. She is scared that she won’t be able to resist you if you force her.”

“But I would never do such a thing.”

“I know that. But she does not.”

“Then what should I do?”

“Make her comfortable with you.”

“As if I am not trying that now.”

“You have to earn her trust.”

“And how is that?”

“Don’t touch her unnecessarily. But show your love towards her, in small actions … like spending time to know her interests, asking her opinion about important decisions in your life, gifting her chocolates and stuff like that she likes … etc. Make her understand that you are interested in her and not her physical beauty.”


“Good boy! Now go feed milk to my baby. I have to cook for you babies.”

“Ok mommy!”
And we started laughing. She handed me a bottle of warm milk, which I took and entered the room. The moment I entered the room, my eyes got glued on my Siri.

She was kissing the forehead of baby Ganesh and that moment, only one thought came to my mind. {When will she take care of our children like that? I am eager to kiss my baby.} I had to literally shake my head to push that thought to the back of my head. There is no possibility that this dream of mine will be fulfilled soon. I sighed and approached her.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. I took Ganesh from her arms and started feeding him. She stared at me with wide open eyes.

“What are you staring at?”

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