Small note

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Firstly, a BIGGGGG thanks for all of you who wished me well for my results. I am excited to tell you that I am topper in my Class ....

And soon after the results, internship started, which is slogging for 365 days without any rest and relaxation. And with this Corona around .... I don't know what to say. While everyone around me is being sent home to be safe ... I (not me alone, but all the doctors, nursing staff and health professionals) have to work overtime ... Like almost 24/7 to help people out of this pandemic .... I feel proud and tired at the same time. I don't know whether to call it a sad coincidence that the virus began circulating exactly from the time my internship began ....

Anyways ... I have only given a glimpse of what is happening in my life ... Just so you people know how busy I've become ....

Yeah .... I know that I always give excuses ... But it is not actually an excuse because I love writing ... And the only reason why I haven't been able to do it recently, is because I have too much on my plate right now ....

Hope you guys understand ... And have a nice time ahead....

Also Wash your hands .... Cover your nose and mouth .... And ....
Well you know it ... But it's my duty to tell 😉

ParinayanantaramWhere stories live. Discover now