Family arrives

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The next morning, I woke to sound of bangles.

“Good morning!” I wished.

She handed me a cup of coffee and I sipped it.

“I am planning to take leave from college for two days.” She announced.

{Oh! College. I forgot all about it.}
“Speaking of which, how is everything going on there? Good?”

She nodded.

“And are you fine with the leave? Like … you might be missing the portions …”

“Do I have any other choice? I have to serve my in-laws well, right?”

“Are you finding it a burden that they are coming? Would you behave the same way if your parents arrive?” Anger started building up in me.

“Chill! … I am not feeling anyone as a burden. Unlike you …”

“What unlike me? When did I say about anyone being a burden?” My temper was rising now. But a phone call distracted me.

“Hello!” I picked the call.

“Hari! We are reaching the railway station in half an hour.”

“Sure Ma. I will be there to pick you up.”

“We will deal with it later!” I grabbed her arm and gave her a fierce look, before leaving to my room to take a shower.

I reached the railway station on time. I hugged my parents and led them to my car, carrying their bags with me. The ride home was filled with many questions from mom. Dad was cracking jokes and in no time, we reached home. Siri opened the door with a wide smile. She was dressed in a beautiful saree. But her eyes had dark circles, which could not be covered. She hugged Mom and touched the feet of Mom and Dad. Then she led them to her bedroom. They started unpacking their luggage, while showering her with too many questions.

“Is he troubling you?” My mom asked.

“No ma.” She whispered.

I looked at her in surprise. {Is she lying? Or does she really feel … no, not after all our fights.
At least she is trying to keep your parents happy!}

When my parents were getting freshened up, I found the right moment to grab her wrist and pull her into my room. She looked at me wide eyed, as I locked the door and moved towards her.

“What … what … are you doing? They … they … are there.” {Oh … so my dear wife does know a tiny bit about something. She is not a baby then.} I smirked.

“Why … why … are you so amused?” She stuttered.

“As much as I want to do what you are imagining; …” I paused to see her reaction. Her face became red like a tomato. {Yes! I still have an effect on her!} “… but I brought you here to discuss something very important with you.” I whispered in her ear.

Her breath became uneven due to our proximity. I could smell her, a sweet smell of roses which made strange feelings erupt in me.
{No … no … in an attempt to tease her, don’t put yourself in trouble. Don’t you remember what happened the last time you lost your control?}

The mental warning irritated me. But I had to heed to the advice for my own safety. “So… first thing is that you should shift to my room i.e. our room.”

“What?” her eyes shot open.

{Yes! Till now her eyes were closed. Someone was enjoying my proximity!} I suppressed a smirk and looked at her straight.
“We are husband-and-wife, you know. You must have forgotten it. But my parents remember it and they might get doubts if we have separate rooms for ourselves. I mean which husband and wife sleep in separate rooms?”

I explained to her, removing my sweaty shirt and landing on the bed with palms under my head. She kept staring at me all the while, as if she is trying to catch each word escaping my mouth. After few seconds of blinking, she finally replied.

“Fine!” She was about to move towards the door, to unlock it, but I held her wrist again, pulling her towards me; due to which she lost balance and landed straight on me. Her forehead hit my chest making me wince slightly. But the pleasure I got with her on top of me, was nothing compared to the pain.

“Aww … what was that for?” She glared, rubbing her forehead.

“Did I ask you to leave? I was not done talking yet.”

She continued glaring at me, but thankfully, she did not make an attempt to move away from me.

“So … as I was saying, why don’t we try being nice to each other, for a change?”


That's all for now. With great difficulty I managed this much.

I HAVE MY FINAL EXAMS next month and one month is not enough to prepare...

So ... See you all after 2 months 😐

ParinayanantaramDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora