6. lock your windows

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters. I do not own Derek Hale. However I do own Skylar McCall and some of the things that come along with her plot (Like Harv & Kelly's, etc.).


     After a long Monday spent buttering Allison up, I gave Scott the thumbs-up to make his apology speech at the end of the school day. He's currently trying to catch up with her in the parking lot, while I make my way over to the lacrosse field to get myself situated for their practice. I pull a hoodie over my blouse, curling into myself for warmth when I notice Stiles dart off the field back towards the locker rooms. I crane my head to get a better view, watching a frantic-looking Scott slip in first.

Damn. I thought I did a better job talking Allison into forgiving him.

Our school, like much of our environmentally sensitive town, is situated near the woods, and from the bleachers I get a clear view of the trees a few hundred feet away. When I see the dark figure emerge, staring at me, I know exactly who it is.

None of us have seen or spoken to Derek since Friday. I thought he might show up at the diner again during one of my shifts, but he didn't, and I'm glad. My intuition assured me he wasn't a killer, but if what Scott said is true, and he didn't deny it, then I'm not sure what to believe. What reason is there to let a group of teens believe you're responsible for such a gruesome murder? We could go to the police at any point if we wanted, although filling in the gaps might be hard to do without explaining that my brother is a werewolf.

Coach Finstock orders a couple players onto the field, starting practice. He's looking around, probably spotting the absence of Scott and Stiles, who are still in the locker rooms. As soon as my attention left Derek at the tree line, he must have moved, because I notice he isn't there anymore. The boys emerge from the locker rooms a moment later, Scott jogging onto the field and earning a nasty look from Coach. Stiles climbs onto the metal bleachers, leaping over the benches to get to me instead of taking his spot at the bottom.

"We may have a problem, and if Scott freaks out, I'm gonna need your help," he says, looking around rather indiscreetly and rubbing his nose. "Scott just met Allison's dad."

"And?" I prompt him, not seeing the problem.

"Allison's dad is one of the hunters that shot him in the woods the other night."

And there it is. "Are you serious? Is he positive?"

Stiles lets out a sigh. "Pretty positive, yeah."

He descends the bleachers again, taking his seat before Coach realizes he isn't paying attention to practice. So many thoughts are coming to my mind currently; I have so many questions but no one to ask. Does Allison know about what her father does? Is she being groomed into one of them as well? Did her dad recognize my brother without his glowing eyes and pointed ears and hairy features?

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