17. cat & mouse

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters. I do not own Derek Hale. However I do own Skylar McCall and some of the things that come along with her plot (Like Harv & Kelly's, etc.).


     "Skylar! C'mon!" Scott yells as the alpha throws Derek's lifeless body to the ground. I gulp, starting to back up as the alpha sets its beady red eyes on me. Scott's hand grabs my arm as he drags me into the school, shutting the door behind us. "Lock it!"

"With what?" Stiles scrambles to put his back against the doors. "Does it look like I have a key?"

"Grab something!" he demands.

"Like what?"


They're both crouched down out of the way of the small windows, but I stay standing, staring outside the window with my jaw dropped. I can just barely see Derek's limp form bleeding out in the grass through the window.

There comes certain points that even the strongest werewolves can't come back from.

"The bolt cutters," I hear Stiles mutter.

I look outside, spotting them no less than ten feet away on the sidewalk. Before either of them can stop me I impulsively open the door, hearing both of them yelling for me to come back. Sprinting over to the bolt cutters, I glance up as I bend down to grab them. The alpha comes out from behind Stiles' jeep and my breath catches in my throat as I rush to my feet and back up to the doors.

"Get in, get in." Stiles breathes out, his eyes never leaving the alpha as he holds the door open for me. The second I step through the doors they slam them shut, taking the bolt cutters from me and shoving them between the handles. The three of us look outside, seeing the alpha is nowhere to be found.

"Are you out of your mind? You could've just died!" Scott snaps at me.

"Someone had to do it," I tell him, looking out the window. "Where is it?"

"Where'd it go?" Stiles clicks on the flashlight he's been carrying this whole time. After a few seconds of peering outside we all start backing away.

"That won't hold, will it?" Scott gulps, the three of us examining the flimsy blockade.

"Probably not," Stiles and I admit. A howl pierces the air and the three of us scramble to the closest classroom, shutting the door and starting to push the teachers desk in front of it.

"Stop," Stiles says. "The door's not gonna keep it out."

"I know," Scott mutters.

"It's your boss," I claim, shaking my head. It has to be.


"Deaton?" He nods, taking my side. "The alpha? Your boss."

"What? No!" Scott shakes his head frantically.

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