19. jack daniels

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters. I do not own Derek Hale. However I do own Skylar McCall and some of the things that come along with her plot (Like Harv & Kelly's, etc.).


Derek has been MIA for four days. I'm starting to believe he's really dead.

It's been four days since we were locked in the school, fighting for our lives. Four days since the alpha forced Scott to shift, and tried to make him kill us. That's why he locked us in the classroom. It was either lock us in, or rip us apart. The janitor's body was never found. Neither was Derek's. Because of that, the police think he's on the run. Since now he's a fugitive and all. Honestly, at first I didn't know what to think. Did the alpha take his body so Scott's story would fit? Or did Derek somehow find the strength to get up and walk away? For the past four days, I have been hoping and praying for the latter.

The thought of him being gone sends physical aches through my chest and stomach. I feel like I can't even mourn him properly. All I see every time I leave the house or turn on the TV is his mugshot from when we got him arrested a few weeks ago, and Mr. Stilinski explaining that he's "armed and dangerous" and "you should not approach." Derek is—was?—so misunderstood as a person. I wish I had had more time to figure him out. I wish I had known for sure how he felt about me, because that thought is eating me away as well.

Have I been sitting in bed for the past four days crying and groaning over someone who didn't even care about me? I probably will never know. My mom is so worried about me, thinking I'm traumatized from the incident at the school. Truth be told, the last month or so of my life has traumatized me as a whole. My whole life has crumbled into something unrecognizable. I have no one to trust or confide in. No one to make me feel safe.

Not even my own brother. And it's worse now. It was too easy for the alpha to get into Scott's head. The alpha made him want to kill us that night. He wanted to burst in and rip all of us apart, and it took every last ounce of strength inside of him to lock the door and run away. And now, since Allison broke up with him, his emotions are all over the place, which we all know is not a good thing. She was the only thing that calmed him down, and now she's the reason for a lot of sadness and anger. To top it off, tomorrow night is the full moon. And Derek isn't here to help us.

My phone vibrates on my nightstand for the tenth time in the last few minutes. I pick it up, not bothering to look at the caller before I answer.

"I don't want to talk, Stiles," I mumble into the phone, pulling the blankets up farther onto my chest. He lets out an audible sigh and I can sense his eye roll through the phone.

"Skylar, the guy you had feelings for got torn to shreds by an alpha werewolf. It's okay to be upset," Stiles coos, and I scoff. "I'm coming over right now and we're talking about this."

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