22. his cousin miguel

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any parts of Teen Wolf or its plot or characters. I do not own Derek Hale. However I do own Skylar McCall and some of the things that come along with her plot (Like Harv & Kelly's, etc.).


"Hey Stiles!" Mr. Stilinski's voice rings through the house as Stiles and I enter his room. I put my stuff on the floor by his computer, leaning over his shoulder as he types in his password. It's time for plan C.

"Yo Da—Derek?" Stiles shouts as he turns around. I look over my shoulder to see Derek in the corner behind his door, his finger to his lips to shush my idiot friend. Stiles dashes out of the room, shutting the door behind him as he talks to his dad.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper, stomping over to him. "Why would the most wanted fugitive in the state come over to the sheriff's house?"


"Bye Skylar!" I hear Stiles' dad yell as Stiles slips back in. I peek my head out, smiling sweetly at the father figure of mine.

"See you at the game tonight," I tell him. He grins pridefully. Tonight's the first time Stiles will actually be playing in a game. As he walks away, I come back in the room just in time to watch Derek grab Stiles by his collar and slam him against the wall.

"If you say one word," Derek threatens, shoving a finger in my friend's face.

"Derek—" I start, rolling my eyes.

"No, Sky. It's okay. I mean, what am I gonna say, huh? 'Hey dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun?'" Stiles retorts sarcastically. Derek takes his finger down, still gripping his shirt tightly. "Yeah, that's right. I'm harboring your fugitive ass. It's my house, my rules, buddy."

Derek nods, reluctantly letting go of Stiles. My friend smugly goes to walk away and Derek pretends to lunge at him, making him scramble back to his seat muttering profanities. I laugh, sitting back on Stiles' bed.

"Did you get the necklace?" Derek asks me.

"No—" Stiles starts, but cuts himself off when Derek gives him a dirty look. "And you aren't talking to me. Okay. Great."

"No, I didn't. Scott's trying to get it right now," I answer. "But there's something else we can try."

"The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there," Stiles explains.

"So?" Derek shrugs.

"So, it wasn't Scott," I tell him.

"Well can you find out who sent it?" he wonders, looking between the two of us.

"No, not us." Stiles starts typing things into his laptop. "Danny."

While we wait for Danny to get here under the impression that Stiles wants to study, I take the moment to lay back on Stiles bed, scrolling through my phone. It dings to signal a new message, and I furrow my eyebrows when Stiles' name appears at the top of my screen. I click on the text, giving Stiles a wary glance before I read it.

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