Chapter 9, Heartbreak

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It is now the month of October and I ask the the council if there could be an October ball since the head girl has the ability to plan events. Of course, they agreed. It's been about 2 months now and I made plenty of friends. Cedric was right, I would eventually fit in.

Girls where being asked to the ball already and I was just hoping Cedric would ask me to go at least as friends.
It was soon lunch time. Me and Cedric sat next to our friend Adam who was really humble. All week I've been asked by several guys to the ball, but I kindly turned them all down. I was waiting for Cedric, but it was only a few days before the ball. Would I go with no date?

Me: "Ced , plan on asking anyone to the dance?"

Cedric: "Yeah I've got someone in mind but I'm afraid she will say no"

Me: "Just go for it. If she says no then she is crazy"

Cedric: "Thx that means a lot to me"

Me: " How about you Adam? "

Adam: "Glad you asked"

He then signals people towards me and they spell out the word "ball?" on poster boards. I didn't really know what to say but if Cedric was not going to ask me, why wait? He is planning on asking someone else anyways. Plus Adam is a close friend so why not?

Me: "OMG yes !"

Adam: "She said yes!!"

Everyone was happy and cheering. I pretend like I was happy too but in reality, I wish that was Ced.

Time skip....

It was now the night of the ball and I was so excited! Angelina was helping me get ready for the big night in my room. She picked out a beautiful blue dress and curled my hair. She then did wonders to my face with her brushes.

Angelina: "Bualah"

I looked in the mirror and wow! She can really do miracles. I have to admit, it's the best I ever looked.

Me: "OMG than you so much Angelina!"

Angelina: "No problem girly"

Me:" So who's your date?"

Angelina: "A sweet guy named James . He's really hot"

Me: "uuuuh"

Angelina: "I heard you are going with Adam. Too bad Cedric didn't ask you. You two would be so cute"

Me: "Yeah I kinda wish he asked me too"

Angelina: "Whenever he see's you tonight, he's gonna wish he asked you instead of Cho."

Me: "Wait he asked Cho !"

Angelina: "Yeah it was last minute. Rumors have it that they are now dating. Then again, that's just rumors"

Me: "Great another stupid thing to get feelings over"

Angelina: "It will be fine"

We walked downstairs and Ced was already ready. He stoped and looked at me. His jaw dropped.

Angelina: "Take a picture. It will last longer"
I give Angelina a nudge to be quite.

Cedric: "You look beautiful Hannah"

Me: "You too clean up nicely if I may say so Ced"

Cedric continues to stare but then Angelina breaks the silence.

Angelina: "Well if you excuse us, we have dates to meet"
Angelina drags me out of the dorm and we meet up with Adam & James.

Adam: "You look amazing Hannah. No one will be ale to take their eyes off you"

Me: "Thank you"

James: "You look beautiful Angelina. You look like a total babe"
Angelina blushes.

We headed to the ball and had a good time. We all laughed and danced, but I couldn't help watch how happy Cedric looked with Cho. They where both smiling and laughing. I won't say anything because if Cedric is happy, I'm happy. No matter how much it hurts so see him with someone else rather than me.

The rest of the miserable night passed by. Adam, Angelina, James, and I were getting tired. It was getting late and I decided to head to my dorm. To my surprise, Cedric was already there. Gosh, the one person I don't want to see.

Cedric: "How was the ball?"

Me: "Oh it was alright"

Cedric: "You seemed happy with Adam"

Me: "Um he's fun"

Cedric: "A lot of people were telling me about you two. Are ya'll a thing ?"

Me: " Um"
To be honest I hope Adam doesn't think we are a thing. Are we? God I hope not and how do these false rumors spread?
I didn't know what to say so I then changed the conversation quickly.

Me: "How was your date with Cho?"

Cedric: "Alright. She's really nice"

I got mad for a second. Did he actually
like Cho?

Me: "Well it's getting late. I'm heading to bed"

Cedric: "Are you alright?"

Me: "Yeah, why do you ask"

Cedric: "I get it, I won't force you to tell me. I respect that."

Me: "Thank you"
I get ready for bed and slam my bedroom door behind me. I think about how Cedric already found a girl l. I was happy for him but then again mad at him. Whatever, I'll figure this out tomorrow. I just need some rest.

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