Have You Two Finally Kissed And Made Up?

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Nightflyer and Air walked into the Colors of the Wings, attempting to look calm. Their eyes scanned the place, searching furiously. But before they could find what they were looking for, a familiar screech shot up.

Ember dropped the spear he'd been holding as Hope's familiar cry echoed throughout the mountain. He glanced over, but found his sister bolting across the floor towards a pair of dragons in the entrance. A pair of dragons he didn't know if he would ever see again.

"MOTHER!" he yelled, running over to them.

"DADDY!!!!!!!!!" Hope screamed, barreling into them with Ember right behind her.



The four of them yelled and Ember thought his mom might've broken one of his ribs, she hugged him so hard. Hope freaked out so much she was practically shaking. And, was it his imagination, or did his dad have tears in his eyes? Air sobbed, hugging Hope tight.

"I'm so sorry." Nightflyer mumbled. Ember hugged him tighter.

"For what?" he asked. "I'm the one who should be saying sorry." He thought about how he had lost Hope, how he had failed the one job he'd been given. Nightflyer shook his head.

"No. I should've-"

"Let's just all agree we're sorry and leave it at that." Air pleaded.

"Oh!" Hope exclaimed. She fumbled with the clasp of their mother's necklace until Air finally helped her take it off. She held it up with a smile. "Ear's your nec-lace!" Air grinned and kissed her forehead.

"Keep it." she offered. Hope looked at the purple gem for a moment before shaking her head.

"Nah. I likes pink better. An' Daddy likes it on you." 

"She's got a point." Nightflyer admitted. Air shook her head and accepted the necklace back. 

"I remember when you first gave me this." She recalled as Nightflyer helded her put it back on. 

"What happened?" Ember asked. His parents grinned at each other. 

"It was my fourth hatching day," Air began.

"Something she didn't think was of any importance." Nightflyer added, smiling slyly at her. Air rolled her eyes. 

"Would you like to tell the story?" she questioned.

"No, you can tell it much better. And besides, it gives me a reason to stare at you." Ember and Hope grinned knowingly as Air fought back a blush."

"Don't make me tell them about the time I painted you pink." she warned.

"WHAT!" Hope exploded. "TELL!!!!! TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Nightflyer's eyes widened as Air laughed. 


Apple paused as she spotted her parents walking into the village. Together. Rainkeeper had his arm around Pear and she laughed as he kissed her. Apple glanced down at the paper she was holding and made a face. 

"So." she began as they came closer. "Have you two finally kissed and made up?" They raised their eyebrows.

"Maybe." Pear said suspiciously. 

"Well, then I won't be needing this." Apple announced, quickly shredding the paper. "Good. Now I can go back to forcing Shadow and Rosie to kiss. See you later." she skipped away. 

"......Did I miss something when I was gone?" Rainkeeper asked. 

"I honestly have no idea." Pear insisted. 


Glory, Thorn, Ruby, and Cinder stood on the top of a mountain. The wind rushed past them, shielding their words.

"Are you sure the time is right?" Cinder questioned. She was not going to jump right into this. Not without a proper plan.

"Positive." Glory confirmed. "The Seawings are weak, and the Icewings are unprepared. Now is the perfect time to attack."

"With all our armies put together, they won't stand a chance." Thorn agreed.

"Very well." Cinder said with a sigh. "I'll tell my dragons to prepare."

"Let's end this war once and for all." Ruby declared.

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