Haze's Visit

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Summer. A glorious time that Dusk loved every second of. Sure, he liked being at school with all of his friends, but being back home, playing in the river with Dawn, Cypress and all her siblings? Well, nothing could beat that.

About a month into vacation, there was a knock on the door. Dusk opened the door, just to have a familiar dragon barge in.

"Hello!" Haze announced. "I'm here, I'm visiting you, Deal with it."

"Well hello to you too." Dusk commented. "Why are you here?" Haze shrugged, flopping herself down on a chair.

"Because it is BORING at my house." she declared. "Like, Webs talking boring."

"But I thought you were looking forward to spending time with your Dad."

"I was. But doing that would require him to be HOME."

"Where is he?" Haze rolled her eyes.

"Lately, all of his time is spent with Sunny." She explained. "I don't know what is going on there, but it's CREEPY." Dusk shrugged.

"Maybe your Dad just decided it was time for him to start dating again." Haze glared at him with enough wrath to kill.

"Somehow, my father dating someone else while my mother is locked up in a gang cell didn't get my approval." She said sarcastically. 

"So now you're what? Randomly showing up at houses?"

"No, I ran off. If he notices I'm gone, maybe he'll get the message. But for now, I'd figure I'd hang here."

"You know my dad still kinda hates you, right?"

"Then I'll stay with Cypress. There's so many dragonets in that house, they won't even notice I'm there."

"Fair point. Dawn ran off once and it took us a week to find out she was staying there." Haze laughed.

"HAZE!" an energetic voice screeched out.

"Speaking of Satan," Haze commented as Dawn practically tackled her to the ground.

"YOU'RE HERE! WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME YOU WERE COMING!?!?" Dawn whirled round to face her brother. "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS!?!?"

"No," he insisted. 

"He speaks the truth. I showed up randomly." Haze agreed.

"Well....YAY! Can you keep teaching me to fight? I gotta win a bet next week." Haze smiled.

"Ah, my little apprentice. Of course." She grinned wickedly. "And we can use Dusk to practice on." The hybrid's eyes widened.

"Wait what?" Dusk questioned. "I did not consent to tha-"

"YEAH!" Dawn shouted in agreement.

"No," Dusk pleaded as the girls got closer to him. "I am not a punching bag..."

"You are today, Duskie!" Dawn proclaimed. Dusk'd eyes got wider and he sprinted for the door, Haze and Dawn chasing after him.


About a week and a half later, Haze was still there, playing and going crazy with Dusk, Dawn, Cypress, and the rest of Cypress's siblings. They wrestled and pulled pranks, and just generally caused mischief. 

Then, one day, Haze was inside with Dawn, showing her some battle strategies on a paper. There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Coal insisted, opening the door. He froze upon seeing the dragon that stood there.

"Coal." Fennec hissed, looking furious. His scales were coated in blood, and he looked dangerous. "We need to have a little chat about our brother."

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