Boysen Is The Doctor Phil Of Pyrrhia

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A few days later, Haze was in Boysen's room, sulking at the world. 

"Haze, you can't avoid your father forever," Boysen insisted. "You have to talk to him at some point."

"I'll talk to him when he stops being a jerk. He doesn't deserve my attention." she shot back. Boysen sighed.

"Haze, he didn't know about your mother. You can't blame him for that."

"I'm not. He thought mother was alive, and still started dating Sunny. That's what I have an issue with. And Sunny's one of our teachers at JMA, for crying out loud! It's creepy!"

"Don't you think you should tell him that?"

"I doubt he'd listen."

"I think he would. He looks miserable, just sitting here with no one near him." 

"Good. Let him stew in his thoughts for a while." Boysen fought the urge to groan and sat next to his girlfriend.

"You two need to patch this up, and you know it just as much as I do." Haze shot a glare at him.

"Why are you so insistent on getting me to talk to him? You've barely met him, and I doubt he even like you, so why do you care if I'm on good terms with him or not?" Boysen stared at her.

"Because I know, deep down under all your sarcasm and denial, you really care about your father, and you care about him even more now that he's the only blood family you have left. You need him, Haze, and he needs you. I don't want you to start hating each other over some stupid argument."

"So what if I care about him. I can care about someone and hate them at the same time. I do hate and love dragons at the same time. Like Dusk! He's a moron, but I still don't want him dead."

"You're changing the subject."

"Well, thank you for that observation, Captain Obvious."

"Oh, so we've reached the sarcastic stage now. That's good; we're making progress." 

"Oh, shut up."


"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THIS, BOYSEN?!" Haze snapped. "What's it matter to you what my relationship with my father is! Why do you care- Hell, why are you even here!? Just leave me alone!"

Boysen winced slightly, but didn't move. His gaze shifted to the floor.

"I'm here because I care about you." He explained quietly. "Not everyone has a family, you know. Some dragons would kill to be fighting with their loved ones over nothing, simply because they'd be talking to someone that care about. I'm just trying to get you to fix things before you lose your family, because once they're gone, they don't come back. No matter what you think now, you'll regret not speaking to your dad in a few years, and you'll wish you could go back and fix things. I'm trying to make sure you don't have that regret because you don't deserve that pain. That's why I care. If you want to be left alone, fine. But I'm not leaving until you make up with your father."

Haze stared at him.

"Alright," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

A minute passed before Haze sighed and got to her feet.

"I'll go talk to him." she insisted.

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