Setting The Trap

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"I've heard so much about you and your family," Drought insisted. Dawn frowned.

"You have?" she questioned. "Well I've never heard of you." 

"No one has." Drought insisted. "I like to keep it that way."

"How do you know my family?" Drought stared at her.

"Through your father, of course. He's quite famous in the Scorpion Den." Dawn looked confused.

"What do you mean? My father never goes to the Scorpion Den."

"Well, not ANYMORE, of course. But he grew up there and got quite the reputation."

"He did?" Dawn looked surprised. 

"Of course." Drought eyed her. "Did no one ever tell you about your father's past?"

"We weren't allowed to ask..." Dawn's eyes narrowed slightly. What had her father been hiding from her? And if Drought knew about it, then did Dusk? Was that why she was told to stay away from the very dragon she was talking to? What was Dusk trying to keep her from?

"Your father is one of most infamous spies in the entire Sand Kingdom! He got half the members of The Sting arrested by the time he was three! Then he was found out and had to go into hiding, of course, but his legacy remained. There are dozens of dragons that would kill to get their revenge on him."

"My father was a gang member?"

"Oh yes. His father ran the Sting until his death, and then my father took it over and deemed Coal his heir until he was found out to be a traitor. But since my father died, I've taken things over." 

"And what does the Sting do, exactly?" Drought fought back a smirk. She was intrigued. The plan was working perfectly.

"We take from selfish dragons and give to the needy!" He explained, lying through his teeth. The Sting, in reality, was a few steps away from a drug cartel. But Drought had a feeling Dawn wouldn't like to hear that side of it just yet.

"That doesn't sound so bad. Why would my father be a spy against a cause like that?" Drought looked at her very seriously.

"Dawn," he began. "Your father is not the dragon you think he is. And neither is your brother or his Sandwing friend, for that matter. They are completely against the Sting and it's noble cause. Coal has been planting rumors and bad things about our organization for years, and since he sits so close to the Queen, everyone believes him. We can't stop him, and now he's roped your brother into his evil plots as well."

Dawn shook her head. "No." she insisted. "I don't believe you." Drought glanced around to make sure no one else was listening.

"I know it's not easy to hear that your family is evil." he said sympathetically. "My mother was against the Sting too, and I was blinded for years, not seeing her for what she truly was. But then I woke up, and realized that siding with her was the wrong choice."

"What did you do?" Drought paused.

"...I took care of her, and focused my attention on the other gang members. The ones I knew were loyal." Dawn still looked unsure.

"How do I know I can trust you?" She demanded. "That this isn't just some trick?"

"Ask your brother and your father," Drought suggested. "They will deny everything- I guarantee it. They are evil, Dawn, and I don't want you falling into the trap your father has set. He'll try to trick you against the gang too, but he's wrong. We do good things Dawn, I swear."

"Why are telling me all this?"

"Because unlike your family, I won't keep secrets from you." Drought explained. "And because," he leaned closer to Dawn. "I want you to join us."

"Join you?"

"Yes, Dawn. I want you to join the Sting."

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