Visits! All The Visits!

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A/N: Just a heads up, I a starting Finals soon, and my brother is graduating this weekend, so updates might be a little slow. But on the bright side, I'm done with school June 7th, so then updates should be more frequent! And I have some plans for this book, so be prepared....

While Ray got used to life in the Rainforest, and Haze continued her stay with Boysen (Both of them oblivious to the fact that The Sandwing Kingdom was looking for her), things in Cypress's home were crazy, as usual.

Having five energetic dragonets running around tended to be insanity, of course. On this particular day, the five siblings were at the river, playing in the water and shrieking at nothing and everything. 

Cypress, being the only calm sibling, was examining shells by the river, wondering if any of them were good enough to be sold at her Mother's stand. On a peaceful day like this, the last thing she expected was a surprise.

But life does love to surprise you.

"Hello Cypress," a familiar voice rang out. Cypress's eyes widened. It couldn't be. No way. She spun around, and her face lit up. 

Anaconda stood before her, smiling.

"CONNIE!" she yelled, barreling into him. He laughed, hugging her. "What are you doing here?!" Cypress demanded. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming!"

"I wanted to surprise you." He explained. "And anything's better then staying in that musty old palace, so I figured I might as well come visit someone I can tolerate."

"Suuure," Cypress smirked. "It's not like you're totally in love with me or anything."

"Oh, of course not." He shot back. 

"Wait a sec. How do you know where I live?" Her eyes narrowed. Anaconda shrugged. 

"Dusk is always happy to help." He explained.

"He knew?!"


"That SLIMEBALL! I'll kick him for not telling me!" Anaconda laughed again.

"I missed you," he sighed. 

"I know. I'm a very miss-able dragon." 

"Cy!" A voice screeched out. A young dragonet came running over to them, stopping instantly at the sight of Anaconda.

"Hey Egret!" Cypress replied. "Connie, this is my littlest brother, Egret. Eg, this is Prince Anaconda, the unimportant royalty of somewhere." Anaconda rolled his eyes at the introduction, but offered the dragonet a smile.

"Woah." Egret whispered. He thought for a moment, glancing between them. "You're the dragon that Cy loves, ain't you!"

"Egret!" Cypress exclaimed. Anaconda smirked.

"Yes, I am." He declared.

"I knew it!" Egret shouted. "Ooooooooooo, Imma tell Mommy...."

"Don't you dare." Cypress warned. She turned back to Anaconda. "Our mom isn't huge on dating any of us dating yet. Well, at least, that's what we all assume. No one has dared to mention that they're in a relationship yet."

"If that's your mother, then I should probably be concerned about your father too, right?" Anaconda questioned. Cypress and Egret stared at him for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"Are you kidding?" Cypress questioned. "Dad's even more terrified of her then we are!"

"I see." Cypress smiled.

"So, how long are you staying?"

"Until someone notices I'm gone and comes looking for me so.....A year? Maybe more?" He shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

"Well, you better stay with us." Cypress offered. "Last time somebody stayed with Dusk, they had a gang try to kill them."

"But won't your mother mind that I'm there?" Cypress snorted.

"Honestly, Connie, you'll be lucky if she even notices that you're there."

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