A Tour

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"A tour?" Haze questioned, wrinkling her about slightly.

"Yep," Boysen insisted. "Since you're going to be staying here, I might as well show you where everything is, introduce you to some other members; that kinda stuff."

The idea of walking around and being shown stuff sounded extremely dull to Haze, but she glanced at Boysen's hopeful expression and internally sighed.

"You're lucky you're cute," she muttered. "FINE, I'll go on a tour."

"Yes! I'll make it interesting, I promise."

Without another word, Boysen grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out into the mountain. They wandered about for a little while before Boysen stopped and pointed up at a cave near the top of the mountain.

"That's where Cinder's office is," he began. "She runs pretty much everything here, kinda like our queen. And Crimson is her younger sister, so I guess that makes her a princess. Cinder is usually with a Rainwing named Canopy. He seems harsh, but he's nice deep down- like you."

"I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment," Haze remarked, smiling at him. He shrugged.

"Take it how you will. Anyways. Around Cinder's office are other rooms used for strategies and for officers. Weapons are kept over there by the river-" Haze's head whipped around towards various piles of spears, swords, and other weaponry.

"Oooooooh," she whispered in awe.

"You're drooling, Haze." He smirked.

"Shut up. If those were scrolls, you'd be drooling too."

"Maybe," Boysen admitted. "Hmm, what else can I show you... Oh!" His eyes landed on a blue dragonet. "Whisp!" He called, getting the dragon's attention before pulling Haze over. "Come on, I want you to meet someone." Haze raised her eyebrows as her gaze settled on the blue and silver dragonet.

"Haze, this is my friend Whisp, Whisp, this is my girlfriend Haze."

"Hi!" Whisp offered energetically. "It's good to meet you. Maybe now Boysen will shut up about you."

"Whisp!" Boysen pleaded.

"He talks about you ALL the TIME. It's kinda annoying."Haze laughed as Boysen went bright red in embarrassment.

"Everyone here says the same thing," she commented, grinning at Whisp. She turned to Boysen as Whisp ran off.

"Is everyone here a hybrid?"

"Not everyone," he explained. "Mostly, we're all just victims of the hybrid hunt. So there's hybrids, dragons that are married to someone of another tribe, war widows and widowers, soldiers that were injured but still want to be involved, and then there's dragonets like me, orphans from the war." Haze hesitated, eyeing Boysen carefully before asking her question.

"How...."she began. "How did your parents die?" Boysen froze.

"The hybrid hunters found us." He offered. "My mother was killed, and my father and I tried to run. We got a few days ahead of them before they caught up again. My dad sacrificed himself so I could get away. Then I found the cave where Crimson and Whisp were. I stayed with them, Fox and Hope until Ember found us and brought us here." He stared down at the floor.

"I'm sorry," Haze insisted.

"Not your fault." Boysen declared. "I blame Queen Snowfall and no one else." Haze nodded.

"My mother was killed," she admitted. "Not long ago. It's another reason why I'm here, actually." She fiddled with the stone floor, scratching her talons at it. "I blame The Sting. All of them."

"Crimson says it's better to just blame one dragon." He explained. "That way when you seek revenge, you're not outnumbered."

"Well, in that case, I'd blame Prickle, but he's already dead, so..."She paused. "I guess that means I have to find someone new to blame."

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